Watch Mr. Pickles
- 2013
- 4 Seasons
7.3 (10,231)
Mr. Pickles is an animated television series that premiered on Cartoon Network in 2013. The show follows the adventures of a seemingly innocent and adorable border collie named Mr. Pickles who, in reality, is a satanic dog who lives in the small town of Old Town. The series revolves around Mr. Pickles and his interactions with the Goodman family, who are the only ones in Old Town who are unaware of his true nature.
The show is a dark and often twisted comedy that features frequent references to themes such as satanism, murder, and cannibalism. The series was created by Will Carsola and Dave Stewart and was produced by HotHouse Productions, which is known for producing Adult Swim's Robot Chicken. The animation style of the show is reminiscent of classic cartoons from the 1990s, with bright colors and exaggerated character designs.
Mr. Pickles is known for its outrageous humor and shocking moments, such as the often-gruesome deaths of countless characters. The show also features a cast of eccentric and often absurd characters, such as Mr. Pickles' owner, the dark and mysterious Grandpa, and Tommy Goodman, the teenage son of the Goodman family who is obsessed with catching Mr. Pickles in the act.
While the show is certainly not for everyone, it has gained a cult following over its six-season run. Fans of the series appreciate its willingness to push boundaries and its often-unpredictable storytelling. Additionally, the show has been praised for its dark sense of humor and clever social commentary.
Dave Stewart voices Mr. Pickles, while Kaitlyn Robrock voices the majority of the female characters on the show. Will Carsola voices most of the male characters, including Tommy Goodman and Grandpa. The show also features a number of guest stars, such as Brooke Shields, Iggy Pop, and Brian Posehn.
Despite its often-controversial content, Mr. Pickles has been well-received by both audiences and critics. The show has been praised for its unique voice and its willingness to take risks in its storytelling. The show has also been nominated for several awards, including a Primetime Emmy for Outstanding Short-Format Animated Program in 2016.
In conclusion, Mr. Pickles is a dark and twisted animated series that has gained a cult following over its six-season run. The show features often-gruesome humor and eccentric characters, and is known for its unpredictable storytelling and its willingness to push boundaries. While the series is certainly not for everyone, it has been praised for its unique voice and its clever social commentary. Fans of dark humor and satire will certainly appreciate this one-of-a-kind show.
Mr. Pickles is a series that ran for 4 seasons (33 episodes) between August 26, 2013 and on Cartoon Network