Saturday Night Live Season 6 Episode 9

Ep 9. Jimmy Cliff, Sally Kellerman

  • Not Rated
  • February 7, 1981
  • 5.7  (70)

In season 6 episode 9 of Saturday Night Live, viewers are treated to a hilarious and musically-charged episode featuring reggae icon Jimmy Cliff and actress Sally Kellerman.

The episode opens with a parody of a commercial for Tampax tampons, which sets the tone for the evening's irreverent and tongue-in-cheek humor. The show then moves on to a sketch where cast member Joe Piscopo portrays a tough-talking taxi driver who gets into a debate with Kellerman's character over the proper pronunciation of the word "potato."

The musical performances throughout the episode are a highlight, with Jimmy Cliff bringing his signature style and charisma to the stage. His renditions of "Reggae Night" and "Love Me, Love Me" are sure to get viewers dancing along at home.

One memorable sketch features the "Dog in Space" puppet, an odd but endearing creation who bewitches the show's cast and crew. In another sketch, Kellerman joins cast member Eddie Murphy in a parody of the famous "Bette Davis Eyes" song, singing "Sally Kellerman Eyes" to hilarious effect.

The Weekend Update segment is as hilarious as ever, with anchor Dennis Miller skewering politicians and celebrities alike with his biting wit. One standout moment is a fake news report about a group of nuns who is caught selling cocaine, which chaotically spirals into a bizarre and surreal sequence.

The episode also features a handful of commercial parodies, including one for "Rich Little's Dickens Museum" and another for a weight loss program that involves locking oneself in a closet and listening to motivational speeches on a cassette tape.

Overall, season 6 episode 9 of Saturday Night Live is a raucous and entertaining installment of the iconic sketch show. From the musical performances to the hilarious sketches, this episode is sure to leave viewers in stitches.

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  • First Aired
    February 7, 1981
  • Content Rating
    Not Rated
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    5.7  (70)