Super Friends Season 8 Episode 10
Super Friends
Season 8

Ep 10. Darkseid's Golden Trap (2)

  • October 6, 1984

As the eighth season of Super Friends continued, viewers were treated to a thrilling episodic adventure that pitted the forces of good against one of the DC Universe's most notorious villains. In season 8, episode 10, titled Darkseid's Golden Trap (2), the conclusion of a nail-biting story arc that began in the previous episode, saw the show's titular heroes face off against a seemingly unstoppable foe.

The episode opens with our heroes--which include fan-favorite DC Comics characters like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman--attempting to free their fellow superhero and friend Green Lantern from the clutches of the evil Darkseid. In the previous episode, Darkseid had used his immense power and advanced technology to ensnare Green Lantern in a trap made of pure gold, leaving the other Super Friends with the difficult task of breaking him free.

Soon after the heroes' arrival on the alien planet where Green Lantern is being held captive, Darkseid unleashes his full arsenal of weapons against them. But despite being outnumbered and outgunned, the Super Friends rally together and use their unique abilities and strengths to fight back against the evil forces at play.

Superman's brute strength and impressive speed prove invaluable in the early skirmishes, while Batman's clever tactics and detective skills flow seamlessly into the group's strategy. Meanwhile, Wonder Woman's impressive combat skills and Aquaman's command over the sea are also on full display.

As the Super Friends continue their efforts to save Green Lantern and escape from the planet, the episode delves deeper into the complex dynamic between Darkseid and the heroes. Despite his cruel and calculating nature, Darkseid is shown to have a twisted sense of honor and admiration for those who are able to challenge him.

This dichotomy sets up a thrilling final showdown between Darkseid and Superman that will have viewers on the edge of their seats. With Green Lantern's fate hanging in the balance and the fate of the entire universe at stake, can the Super Friends rise to the challenge and defeat this overwhelming threat?

As always, the animation and voice acting of the Super Friends is top-notch, bringing these beloved characters to life in a way that only the best cartoons can. The show's combination of action, adventure, and humor is still as enjoyable now as it was when the show first aired back in the 1970s.

Overall, season 8, episode 10 of Super Friends delivers a thrilling and satisfying conclusion to an exciting two-part story arc. Fans of the DC Universe and superhero cartoons in general will not want to miss this exciting adventure.

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  • First Aired
    October 6, 1984
  • Language