The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Season 5 Episode 3

Ep 3. Shoscombe Old Place

  • March 7, 1991

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are called to investigate a case at Shoscombe Old Place, the country estate of a wealthy horse breeder named John Mason. Mason explains that he is deeply concerned about the welfare of his sister Lady Beatrice, who has been acting strangely and appears to be under the control of her maid, Edith de Haviland. Mason also reveals that his prized racehorse, Shoscombe Prince, has vanished and he fears foul play.

Holmes and Watson arrive at Shoscombe Old Place and immediately sense that something is not quite right. Lady Beatrice appears pale and sickly, and seems to be in a constant state of fear. Edith de Haviland, her maid, is cagey and uncooperative, and several of the estate's employees appear to be hiding something.

The mystery deepens when Holmes discovers that Mason has been making secret trips to London, and that his financial situation is precarious. Mason also appears to have a strained relationship with his brother-in-law, Sir Robert Norberton, and there are rumors of a family curse that has plagued the Masons for generations.

As Holmes delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a web of deceit and betrayal that threatens to destroy the entire Mason family. He must use all of his legendary powers of deduction to unravel the truth and bring the perpetrator to justice.

Meanwhile, Watson becomes enamored with Lady Beatrice and finds himself drawn into the family drama in unexpected ways. He also uncovers a passion for horse riding and spends much of his time exploring the beautiful countryside around Shoscombe Old Place.

In the end, Holmes and Watson must race against time to solve the case before it's too late. Will they be able to unravel the mystery and save the Masons from destruction, or will they fall victim to the curse of Shoscombe Old Place? Only time will tell in this gripping episode of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

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  • First Aired
    March 7, 1991
  • Language