The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 2 Episode 7

Ep 7. Viva La Mexico

  • TV14
  • September 25, 2017
  • 43 min
  • 7.7  (9)

The Real Housewives of Dallas is a reality television show that follows the glamorous and often dramatic lives of a group of wealthy women living in Dallas, Texas. In season 2, episode 7 titled "Viva La Mexico," the ladies embark on an exciting trip to Mexico, where tensions and emotions run high.

As the episode begins, we find the housewives, including Stephanie Hollman, Cary Deuber, LeeAnne Locken, Brandi Redmond, D'Andra Simmons, and Kameron Westcott, eagerly preparing for their Mexican getaway. With the promise of luxurious accommodations and picturesque beaches, the women are hopeful for a relaxing and drama-free vacation. However, as we know from previous episodes, drama seems to follow this group wherever they go.

In "Viva La Mexico," the trip kicks off with a private jet ride, setting the tone for the opulence that awaits them. The ladies arrive at a stunning beachfront villa in Play del Carmen, complete with breathtaking views and lavish amenities. But before they can settle in, tensions amongst the group quickly begin to rise.

Stephanie, still reeling from the fallout of her friendship with Brandi, tries to navigate through the awkwardness in an attempt to salvage their relationship. Meanwhile, Brandi, feeling betrayed and hurt, struggles to find common ground with Stephanie and starts to question the future of their friendship. Their interactions throughout the episode hint at a possible resolution or further deterioration of their once-strong bond.

LeeAnne, known for her fiery personality and confrontational nature, finds herself at odds with Kameron during the trip. Their differing opinions and values clash, causing a rift between the two women. The episode explores the root of their conflict and the potential for it to escalate throughout the vacation.

Amidst the brewing tensions, D'Andra and Cary attempt to be the peacemakers of the group. D'Andra, always a voice of reason, tries to mediate the various conflicts and bring some harmony to the group dynamics. As for Cary, she finds herself caught in the middle of the drama, as her loyalty to both sides is tested.

Of course, it wouldn't be The Real Housewives of Dallas without some lighthearted moments. In the midst of the serious discussions and arguments, the ladies find time for fun and relaxation. They partake in thrilling activities such as jet skiing, spa treatments, and indulging in sumptuous local cuisine.

Throughout the episode, viewers are treated to the stunning Mexican scenery and the luxurious backdrop of their accommodations. The Real Housewives of Dallas spares no expense in showcasing the high-end lifestyle these women enjoy.

"Viva La Mexico" encapsulates the essence of The Real Housewives of Dallas—a mix of glamour, drama, and unexpected twists. As the episode comes to a close, viewers are left on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the next installment of this captivating reality television series.

Please note that the description provided is a general overview of the episode and does not contain any specific spoilers. To fully experience the drama and excitement, it is recommended to watch the episode in its entirety.

Watch The Real Housewives of Dallas - Viva La Mexico (s2 e7) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download, Buy, Rent
The Real Housewives of Dallas, Season 2 Episode 7, is available to watch free on Bravo and stream on Bravo. You can also stream, download, buy, rent The Real Housewives of Dallas on demand at Peacock Premium, Amazon, Vudu, FuboTV, hayu, Google Play, Apple TV online.
  • First Aired
    September 25, 2017
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    43 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.7  (9)