The Vice President and the People -- A Special Edition of 20/20

Watch The Vice President and the People -- A Special Edition of 20/20

  • 2020
  • 1 Season

The Vice President and the People -- A Special Edition of 20/20 from ABC News is an in-depth, investigative report that explores the role of the Vice President of the United States, the history of the position, and its current function in the current administration.

Throughout the two-hour special, viewers are taken on a journey through several key moments in the evolution of the Vice Presidency, from its inception in 1789 with John Adams, to the present day with Kamala Harris. The special delves into the responsibilities and duties of the Vice President, how they have evolved over time, and the impact that Vice Presidents have had on American history.

The show starts by taking a look at the Vice President's role as the President of the Senate; a lesser-known aspect of the position but one that has been critical in shaping the direction of the country. The special interviews several past Vice Presidents, who provide insight into the inner workings of the Senate, and how the role of the Vice President plays a part in this process.

Subsequent segments of the show focus on the different ways Vice Presidents have served as advisers to the President. This is explored through interviews with past Vice Presidents, who provide examples of how they have been involved in key decision-making processes within their administrations. The show also looks at the current Vice President's advisory role to President Biden and examines how this has influenced policy decisions.

In another segment, the special delves into the selection process of Vice Presidents, exploring how candidates are chosen, and how their role has shifted to become more politically significant. Viewers are provided with behind-the-scenes access to the vetting process, including interviews with political operatives who have been involved in Vice Presidential selections.

The second hour of the special focuses more specifically on the current Vice President Kamala Harris, providing insight into her background, path to the Vice Presidency, and her impact on the world today. The show provides an intimate look into the challenges that the Vice President has faced, including sexism and racism, and the choices she has made to overcome these obstacles.

Throughout the special, we also get to hear from key figures who have worked closely with Vice President Harris, including her Chief of Staff, her husband, and other important advisors. They provide insight into her policymaking strategies, how her experiences have shaped her leadership abilities, and the impact she has had on other women and people of color.

The Vice President and the People -- A Special Edition of 20/20 from ABC News is a well-researched and thought-provoking exploration of the role of the Vice Presidency in America. The show not only provides an overview of the position's history but also provides a deep look at the current Vice President and her unique impact on the world. Through its interviews with political figures, experts, and advisers, the special provides a nuanced analysis of this critical aspect of American politics.

The Vice President and the People -- A Special Edition of 20/20
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The Vice President and the People -- a Special Edition of 20/20
1. The Vice President and the People -- a Special Edition of 20/20
October 23, 2020
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden answers voters' questions.
  • Premiere Date
    October 23, 2020