Watch Threesome
- 2011
- 2 Seasons
7.5 (1,485)
Threesome is a British comedy television series that aired on BBC Three from 2011 to 2012. The show follows the lives of three friends who, after a night of heavy drinking, find themselves in bed together. The three friends are Mitch (played by Emun Elliott), Alice (played by Amy Huberman), and Richie (played by Stephen Wight), and the show examines the ups and downs of their complicated relationship.
The show begins with Mitch and Alice, a couple who have been together for years, but are struggling to conceive a child. One night, they invite their friend Richie over for drinks, and after they all get drunk, they end up in bed together. The three of them wake up the next morning, confused and unsure of what to do next. As the series progresses, the three friends try to navigate their new relationship, while also dealing with the fallout from their impulsive decision.
One of the most interesting aspects of Threesome is the way it explores the dynamics of a polyamorous relationship. While many shows and movies have depicted threesomes as purely sexual experiences, Threesome delves deeper into the emotional complexity of such a relationship. The show examines the jealousy, insecurity, and trust issues that can arise when three people are involved in a romantic relationship.
Another strength of the show is its cast. Emun Elliott, Amy Huberman, and Stephen Wight all give strong performances, and their chemistry is palpable onscreen. The show strikes a careful balance between comedy and drama, and the actors are able to handle both aspects of the show with grace and skill.
The show also features a strong supporting cast, including Goran KostiÄ as Alice's Serbian gynecologist, and Jessica Hall as Mitch's nosy neighbor. These characters provide additional depth and humor to the show, and help to flesh out the world that the three friends inhabit.
One of the standout aspects of Threesome is its writing. The show is consistently funny and engaging, with sharp dialogue and well-crafted storylines. The show's creators, Tom MacRae and Sam Bain, have a knack for blending humor and heart, and the result is a show that will make you laugh one minute and tug at your heartstrings the next.
Overall, Threesome is a smart, funny, and heartfelt show that explores the complexities of love, friendship, and sexuality. The show's strong writing, talented cast, and thoughtful exploration of polyamory make it a standout in the crowded world of television comedy. While the show only lasted for two seasons, it remains a beloved cult classic among its fans. If you're looking for a clever and entertaining show to binge-watch, Threesome is definitely worth checking out.
Threesome is a series that ran for 2 seasons (28 episodes) between October 17, 2011 and on BBC