Watch Angel's Friends
- 2009
- 2 Seasons
7.3 (432)
Angel's Friends is a unique and exciting animated series that follows a group of teenage angels in training as they embark on exciting adventures in the magical world of Angel's Land. The show was produced by Play Entertainment and co-produced by Rai Fiction, and aired from 2008 to 2011. The series featured a talented voice cast, including Lisa Ortiz, Summer Crockett Moore, and Liza Jacqueline.
The series tells the story of four aspiring young angels: Raf, Uri, Sweet, and Miki. They are all enrolled in the Angel's Academy, where they are being trained to become Guardian Angels. However, the journey to becoming a Guardian Angel is not easy, and the young angels must pass a series of tests and overcome numerous obstacles along the way.
Throughout the series, we follow the angels as they navigate their way through the Academy, learning about the different types of angels and the different tasks they must perform in order to protect humans on Earth. Along the way, they must also confront their rival angels-turned-devils, Sulfus and Cabiria, who constantly try to sabotage their progress and destroy their friendship.
One of the show's most unique features is its portrayal of the angels as relatable and flawed characters. Despite being tasked with the responsibility of guarding humans, the young angels struggle with their own personal problems and insecurities. Raf, for example, must learn to overcome her fear of heights and flying, while Uri struggles with her self-confidence and ability to lead. These relatable aspects make the characters more likable and human, and allow viewers to connect with them on a deeper level.
Another standout feature of Angel's Friends is its stunning animation and breathtaking visuals. The world of Angel's Land is a colorful and enchanting place, filled with intricate details and magical elements. Each episode is a visual feast, with vibrant colors and beautifully animated scenes that transport viewers into a world of wonder and imagination.
Overall, Angel's Friends is a unique and delightful animated series that offers a fresh and exciting take on the angel mythology. With relatable characters, engaging storylines, and stunning visuals, it's no wonder that the show has become a fan favorite among viewers of all ages.