Dateline On ID Season 8 Episode 15
Dateline On ID
Season 8

Ep 15. A Killing in Cottonwood

  • July 19, 2015

In the Dateline On ID season 8 episode 15, titled "A Killing in Cottonwood," viewers are taken on a journey to a small town in California where a deadly crime had shocked the community. On a warm Sunday afternoon, the sound of gunfire pierced through the tranquil neighborhood, leading to the discovery of the murder of a beloved retiree.

The victim, 76-year-old Fred Rapp, was found dead in his home with multiple gunshot wounds. The killer had fled the scene, leaving no immediate clues as to their identity or motive. As the detectives began their investigation, they struggled to piece together any leads that would help them solve the case.

As interviews with the people in the small town of Cottonwood revealed, there were no signs of a struggle, and nothing appeared to be missing from the victim's home. This left the detectives with a difficult task: How would they solve a crime with no apparent motive and no suspects?

Despite the lack of concrete evidence, the detectives were determined to find out who killed Fred Rapp. They began looking into his background, talking to his friends and family, and retracing his steps in the days leading up to his untimely death. What they discover is a complex web of deceit and secrets that leads them down a path they never thought possible.

As the investigation unfolds, the detectives connect the dots between Fred Rapp's personal life and a long-standing dispute with a neighbor that had recently escalated to a dangerous level. The neighbor, who had a history of run-ins with the law, quickly became the prime suspect.

But as the detectives dig deeper, they uncover a shocking twist that turns the case on its head and leads them to question everything they thought they knew about the crime. As the case goes to trial, the defense and prosecution spar with their versions of what happened that day, taking the jury on a journey that leaves them questioning whether justice was truly served.

"A Killing in Cottonwood"is a gripping true crime story that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With unexpected twists and turns, this episode of Dateline On ID highlights the power of persistence and determination as the detectives work tirelessly to bring justice to a community in mourning.

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  • First Aired
    July 19, 2015
  • Language