Egypt's Golden Empire

Watch Egypt's Golden Empire

  • 2006
  • 1 Season

Egypt's Golden Empire is a historical documentary series produced by PBS that explores the political, cultural, and social achievements of Ancient Egypt during the New Kingdom period (1550-1070 BCE). The series comprises three one-hour episodes that provide an in-depth overview of this remarkable era, which saw Egypt reach the height of its power, wealth, and artistic expression.

Each episode of the series examines important historical events and significant figures, and uses a mixture of stunning visuals and expert commentary to convey the full scope of the achievements and challenges faced by the Ancient Egyptians during this time. By focusing on the New Kingdom period, the series illustrates how Ancient Egypt underwent a transformation that saw it emerge as a dominant superpower, with vast territories under its control, including Nubia, Syria, and Palestine.

The first episode, "Pharaohs of the Sun," introduces viewers to early New Kingdom pharaohs like Ahmose I and Hatshepsut, who helped to establish Egypt's powerful empire. It also takes a comprehensive look at the battles and diplomacy that helped secure Egypt's borders against powerful rivals like the Hittites and the Kushites.

The second episode, "The Warrior Pharaohs," examines the lives of some of Ancient Egypt's most famous rulers, including Thutmose III, who conquered numerous territories and expanded Egypt's economy and trade networks. The episode delves into how these warrior pharaohs relied on their military might to protect the empire and how they initiated grand building projects to commemorate their reigns.

The final episode, "Pharaohs of the Sea," focuses on the period of Akhenaten, the heretic pharaoh who attempted to revolutionize ancient Egypt's religion and streamline it around the worship of one god, the Aten. The episode then looks at the reign of Tutankhamun, popularly known as King Tut and his restoration of the old gods and customs. The episode also explores the decline of the New Kingdom period, including the political instability that opened the door for foreign invasions from the Sea People.

Throughout the three episodes, Egypt's Golden Empire successively makes use of expert interviews with distinguished Egyptologists, historians, and archaeologists to provide context to the Ancient Egypt's reign, and provides up-close look at some of the world's most famous monuments, including the Great Pyramids, the Sphinx, and the Valley of the Kings.

Overall, Egypt's Golden Empire is an epic adventure that marveled the golden period of Ancient Egypt during the New Kingdom period, and expertly guides viewers through the politics, cultures, and art of one of the world's most significant and captivating civilizations. Using a mix of expert analysis, historical context, stunning visuals, and engaging narrative, the series is a must-watch for anyone fascinated by ancient history, Egyptology, or simply the human story.

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The Last Great Pharaoh
3. The Last Great Pharaoh
March 15, 2006
The reign of Ramesses II - known also as Ramesses the Great - marked the high point of the New Kingdom and the high point of Egyptian culture. But like any highpoint, it was all downhill as the New Kingdom gradually fell into ruin.
The Pharaohs of the Sun
2. The Pharaohs of the Sun
March 15, 2006
When Amenhotep III became pharaoh in 1390 BC, Egypt controlled a vast empire and was rich, respected and free. But it faced the challenge of powerful new rivals.
The Warrior Pharaohs
1. The Warrior Pharaohs
March 15, 2006
In 1560 BC, Egypt was divided into two. Its very existence was threatened from both north and south. But one family was determined to restore Egypt to its former glory.
  • Premiere Date
    March 15, 2006