Food Factory Season 5 Episode 22
Food Factory
Season 5

Ep 22. Cut the Cheese

  • January 28, 2015

Cut the Cheese is the 22nd episode of Food Factory season 5, a fascinating and entertaining series that showcases the inner workings and behind-the-scenes processes of some of the world's most iconic and beloved food factories. In this episode, viewers are treated to a deep dive into the cheese-making industry, exploring the varied and intricate techniques used to turn milk into a variety of cheeses.

The episode begins with a look at cheddar cheese, one of the most popular kinds of cheese worldwide. Viewers are taken to a factory where massive vats of milky curds are cut and stacked, then fed into a complex system of presses and molds that shape and age the cheese to perfection. The process is labor-intensive and intricate, but the results are delicious, with cheddar cheese that is creamy, tangy, and full of flavor.

Next up, the show explores the world of Swiss cheese, a unique kind of cheese known for its distinctive holes. Viewers are taken to a factory where huge blocks of cheese are cut and stacked, then sent through a series of machines that drill holes into the cheese. These holes are essential to the flavor and texture of Swiss cheese, as they allow for air pockets to form and create the cheese's characteristic nutty taste. The episode also delves into the different kinds of Swiss cheese, from mild to sharp, and explains how each variety is made.

As the episode continues, viewers are introduced to a variety of other cheeses, from creamy brie to crumbly blue cheese. Each cheese has its own unique flavor and texture, and the show explores the different techniques used to make them. Viewers are taken to a factory where giant wheels of Parmesan cheese are aged for years, developing a rich and complex flavor. They also learn about how goat cheese is made, and the different flavor profiles that can be created depending on the milk used.

Throughout the episode, viewers are also treated to glimpses behind the scenes at the factories where these cheeses are made. They get to see the massive machines, the skilled workers who operate them, and the intricate processes that go into making each cheese. They also learn about some of the challenges and obstacles that cheese factories face, from fluctuating milk prices to the complex science of aging and fermenting cheese.

Overall, Cut the Cheese is a fascinating and engaging exploration of the world of cheese, showcasing the diverse and intricate techniques used to make some of the world's most beloved dairy products. Whether you're a cheese aficionado or simply curious about the art of cheese-making, this episode is sure to delight and educate.

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  • First Aired
    January 28, 2015
  • Language