Inside the Actors Studio Season 19 Episode 8

Ep 8. Cast of How I Met Your Mother

  • TV-14
  • March 27, 2014

Inside the Actors Studio is a critically acclaimed television series that features in-depth interviews with some of the biggest names in Hollywood. The show, hosted by James Lipton for over twenty years, goes beyond the surface-level conversations and digs deep into the creative process and personal lives of actors, writers, and directors. In season 19, episode 8, Lipton sits down with the cast of How I Met Your Mother.

How I Met Your Mother is a beloved sitcom that aired on CBS from 2005 to 2014. The show follows the lives of five friends living in New York City, sharing stories about their professional and personal lives in a narrative format. The show was a huge success, winning numerous awards and capturing the hearts of millions of viewers. Inside the Actors Studio welcomes cast members Alyson Hannigan, Jason Segel, Josh Radnor, Cobie Smulders and Neil Patrick Harris to discuss the show's success.

In this episode, Lipton delves into the minds of each cast member to discuss the development of their respective characters. He asks questions about their motivations as actors, how they prepared for their roles, and their thoughts on the themes of the show. Lipton also asks about the cast's off-camera dynamic, and how their personal relationships impacted their performances on the show.

Throughout the interview, Hannigan, Segel, Radnor, Smulders and Harris share their favorite moments from the show, and discuss the challenges they faced while bringing their characters to life. They reveal the behind-the-scenes stories that the audience never knew, including how certain scenes were created and how the cast developed their comedic timing.

The Cast of How I Met Your Mother has a broad range of experience in the entertainment industry, and Lipton takes the opportunity to explore their various backgrounds and how they influenced their work on the show. Hannigan discusses how her time on Buffy the Vampire Slayer prepared her for the role of Lily, while Segel talks about how his experience writing and improvising on Freaks and Geeks helped him navigate the comedic tone of HIMYM.

The conversation also touches on the show's cultural impact, and how it has influenced a generation of viewers. The cast talks about the pervasive themes of love, friendship, and growth that captivated audiences throughout the nine seasons. There is an insightful discussion on the challenges of creating a long-running show, and how the writers were able to keep the material fresh and engaging.

Overall, this episode of Inside the Actors Studio provides an intimate and revealing look into the lives and careers of some of Hollywood's most talented actors. Fans of How I Met Your Mother will delight in hearing about their favorite moments on the show, and those who are unfamiliar with the beloved sitcom will gain a newfound appreciation for its cultural impact and enduring legacy. Lipton's thoughtful questions and the cast's candid answers make for a captivating viewing experience that is not to be missed.

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  • First Aired
    March 27, 2014
  • Content Rating
  • Language