Outrageous Food Season 1 Episode 8
Outrageous Food
Season 1

Ep 8. Four Foot Pizza

  • December 17, 2010

In this episode of Outrageous Food, titled "Four Foot Pizza," host Tom Pizzica embarks on a gastronomic adventure to uncover the most colossal and jaw-dropping pizza ever created. As Tom travels the country in search of outrageous food creations, he finds himself face-to-face with the overwhelming challenge of conquering a massive four-foot pizza.

Tom sets off to visit Ferraro's Pizzeria & Pub in Las Vegas, renowned for their gigantic pizza. As he steps into the restaurant, he is immediately greeted by the sight of an enormous pizza dough, stretching beyond his wildest imagination. Tom can hardly contain his excitement as he prepares to witness the process of crafting this massive culinary masterpiece.

In the kitchen, Tom meets the skilled team of pizza chefs who masterfully assemble each component of the four-foot pizza. He watches in awe as they skillfully toss the dough into the air, stretching it to its limits before expertly layering on the generous toppings. The sheer scale of the pizza leaves Tom astonished and eager to sample this colossal creation.

Once the pizza is assembled, Tom watches as it is placed in a special oven, custom-built to accommodate a pizza of such magnitude. The oven itself is a spectacle to behold, with its immense size and ability to cook the pizza to perfection. As the pizza bakes, the tantalizing aroma fills the air, heightening Tom's anticipation for the moment of truth.

After some time, the four-foot pizza emerges from the oven, its crust golden and crispy, and the cheese gooey and melted. It is a sight to behold, and Tom can hardly wait to dig in. Alongside a group of ravenous pizza enthusiasts, he takes his first bite into this culinary marvel, savoring the explosion of flavors and textures that greet his taste buds.

As he indulges in this massive pizza, Tom learns about the backstory behind Ferraro's Pizzeria & Pub's daring creation. The owner discloses the motivation behind their enormous pizza, explaining that it was their way of creating a fun and memorable dining experience for their customers. The four-foot pizza has become an icon of their restaurant and continues to attract pizza lovers from far and wide.

But the adventure doesn't end there. In his quest to uncover the most outrageous food creations, Tom heads to another renowned pizza joint in Atlanta. Here, he encounters an equally audacious pizza challenge - a four-foot-long calzone. This culinary monstrosity is an enormous twist on the traditional Italian dish, packed to the brim with a medley of mouthwatering fillings.

As Tom watches the chefs expertly fold and seal the massive calzone, he can hardly believe his eyes. The sheer size and complexity of this creation are mind-boggling. Eager to conquer this outrageous food challenge, he eagerly takes a seat at the table alongside a group of brave individuals ready to tackle the behemoth calzone.

With a sense of trepidation, Tom takes his first bite into the colossal calzone, its crust flaky and golden, and the fillings bursting with flavor. As he savors each bite, he can't help but be amazed by the creative twist on this classic dish. It's a culinary journey that pushes the boundaries of what a calzone can be, leaving Tom and his companions in awe.

Throughout this episode of Outrageous Food, Tom Pizzica showcases the incredible world of oversized pizzas and calzones. From the gargantuan four-foot pizza in Las Vegas to the massive four-foot-long calzone in Atlanta, he encounters some of the most outrageous food creations ever to tempt the taste buds. With every bite, he discovers that sometimes bigger is indeed better when it comes to indulging in culinary delights.

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  • First Aired
    December 17, 2010
  • Language