Paddington Bear

Watch Paddington Bear

  • TV-Y7
  • 1975
  • 1 Season
  • 7.2  (139)

Paddington Bear was a beloved animated series that was produced by Cookie Jar and ran from 1989-1990. The show followed the adventures of the famous bear from “darkest Peru” as he adjusted to life in his new home of London, England. The character of Paddington Bear was originally created by author Michael Bond and his stories have been cherished by children and adults alike for generations.

Charlie Adler starred as the voice of Paddington, perfectly bringing the charming and curious bear to life. Adler was known for his talent in voice acting and brought a unique energy to the character, making him both lovable and hilarious. In the show, Paddington lives with the Brown family, who have taken him in and given him a home in the bustling city of London.

The series was filled with heartwarming and humorous moments as Paddington navigated his new surroundings and often found himself getting into sticky situations. Whether he was accidentally causing chaos in his attempts to help, or simply trying to learn about the world around him, Paddington always managed to bring a smile to viewers’ faces.

One of the standout features of the show was its beautiful animation. The art style was reminiscent of classic storybook illustrations, with bright colors and bold lines. The characters were full of life, and Paddington’s expressions and movements were especially emotive.

Throughout each episode, Paddington’s childlike curiosity leads him on adventures that often result in valuable life lessons. His kindness, compassion, and eagerness to learn from others won him many friends, and his positive attitude was contagious. Whether dealing with bullies, trying to right a wrong, or simply trying to make new friends, Paddington always approached everything with a gentle and caring nature.

Although the show was aimed primarily at children, it was also enjoyed by adults who grew up with Paddington’s stories. The show’s writers did an exceptional job of ensuring that there were plenty of witty jokes and clever references that would resonate with viewers of all ages. The show’s theme song, which was an upbeat and catchy tune, helped set the tone for each episode and quickly became a fan favorite.

Overall, Paddington Bear from Cookie Jar was a delightful and heartwarming show that held true to the spirit of Michael Bond’s beloved stories. With its stunning animation, talented voice cast, and timeless messages, the series quickly became a classic in its own right. While it may have aired over 30 years ago, it has remained a favorite among fans of all ages and continues to be cherished by those who grew up with Paddington as well as those who are just discovering him for the first time.

Paddington Bear is a series that ran for 1 seasons (15 episodes) between September 14, 1975 and on Cookie Jar

Paddington Bear
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Paddington Dines Out / Paddington Takes the Stage / Paddington in Touch / Comings and Goings At Number 32
14. Paddington Dines Out / Paddington Takes the Stage / Paddington in Touch / Comings and Goings At Number 32
April 8, 1980
Paddington is taken out to dinner by the Browns but marmalade sandwiches are not what one should order in restaurants. / Paddington is asked to help out at a local theatre production, which he does, but things are not as they should be. / At a local rugby match Paddington decides to change the results by participating - but his Aunt Lucy has been watching. / Paddington and the Browns are taken out to a store by Aunt Lucy. With Paddington's help they cause quite a stir.
Paddington in a Hole / Paddington and the Finishing Touch / Trouble in the Bargain Basement / An Outing in the Park
13. Paddington in a Hole / Paddington and the Finishing Touch / Trouble in the Bargain Basement / An Outing in the Park
Mr. Curry assigns Paddington to make him a serving hatch, all is fine until the end... / Paddington decides to buy Mr. Gruber a garden ornament but the one he buys isn't as easy to get home as he imagined. / Paddington attends the annual store sales and ends up demonstrating non-stick frying pans. / Mr. Gruber, as a treat takes Paddington, Jonathan and Judy to watch a band play in the park. But Paddington goes off to find out why Schubert hasn't finished his symphony.
Paddington Weighs In / Paddington Takes a Snip / A Visit to the Theatre / Paddington Buys a Share
12. Paddington Weighs In / Paddington Takes a Snip / A Visit to the Theatre / Paddington Buys a Share
On weighing himself Paddington decides he needs to lose some weight, but losing weight isn't that easy. / Falling asleep whilst reading a book about hedge clipping, Paddington dreams he's given the chance to cut Mr. Curry's hedges into works of art. All goes well until the last snip. / Watching a play at the theatre with the Browns, Paddington gets confused by the plot and decides to resolve the solution behind the scenes. / Paddington is sold a fraud oil share and then is mistaken for the actual crook, but all is well when Mr. Gruber explains.
Keeping Fit / Paddington in the Hot Seat / Paddington and the Mystery Box / Paddington's Puzzle
11. Keeping Fit / Paddington in the Hot Seat / Paddington and the Mystery Box / Paddington's Puzzle
Paddington decides to take up bodybuilding but he doesn't really achieve building any muscles just breaking Mr. Curry's fence. / Paddington visits the studio of a TV show, Sage of Britain, and finds himself in the hot seat. In the free-for-all section, he somehow finds many people phoning and asking Paddington to be the Sage of Britain. / Paddington gets curious while watching workmen excavate a hole and he makes quite a find. / Paddington decides to make a jigsaw but discovers, too late, it's the picture Mr. Curry had decided to frame.
A Visit to the Bank / Paddington Clears the Coach / Picture Trouble / Trouble At the Beach
10. A Visit to the Bank / Paddington Clears the Coach / Picture Trouble / Trouble At the Beach
Paddington decides to withdraw all his savings from the bank, but having none to start with can be confusing. / The Browns are on their way to the seaside. On the train Paddington overhears a discussion in the kitchen which he tells to the other diners and so causes much confusion. / Paddington enjoying his stay at the seaside decides to send his Aunt Lucy a photo. He discovers there are cheaper ways than using a photo machine. / Assembling a deckchair is not all that easy. Paddington finally achieves this and has a sleep whilst the tide is coming in...
A Picnic On the River / Paddington's Patch / In and Out of Trouble / Paddington At the Tower
9. A Picnic On the River / Paddington's Patch / In and Out of Trouble / Paddington At the Tower
The Browns have a picnic on the river allowing Paddington to do the rowing until he falls in... / Paddington enters a competition for the best garden rockery but he ends up causing a lot of trouble at the local building site. / Paddington tries to get into a hammock for the first time. / Mr. Gruber takes Jonathan, Judy and Paddington to the Tower of London. Paddington nearly brings the famous black ravens back home with him.
Paddington Recommended / Fortune Telling / Paddington On Trial / Paddington Bakes a Cake
8. Paddington Recommended / Fortune Telling / Paddington On Trial / Paddington Bakes a Cake
Paddington is mistaken for a famous gourmet in a restaurant. He enjoys a gargantuan meal, but then has to take the consequences. / Paddington visits the funfair where he has his fortune told by Madame Zaza. / On a visit to the law courts Paddington is mistaken for the wrong Mr. Brown and finds himself involved in the trial instead of just watching. / Baking a cake for Mr. Curry's birthday isn't quite as simple as Paddington expected.
Paddington Hits the Jackpot / Paddington Hits Out / A Visit to the Hospital / An Unexpected Party
7. Paddington Hits the Jackpot / Paddington Hits Out / A Visit to the Hospital / An Unexpected Party
The Browns are watching a Quiz program on television when Paddington appears on the screen. The Quizmaster asks Paddington several questions, which he answers in a manner that confuses and exasperates the Quizmaster, but finally he wins the Jackpot, a hundred pounds. / Mr. Curry is entering a golf competition and asks Paddington to act as his caddy. Paddington marks the ball with a chunk of marmalade. He leans on Mr. Curry's best club and breaks it in two. Then, Mr. Curry steps on a marmalade sandwich and hurts his leg. Paddington takes over, using the broken club, which is just his size. / Mr. Curry is in hospital and Paddington decides to visit him with cakes, grapes, magazines, etc. His hat, containing marmalade sandwiches sticks to his head, so he asks the receptionist at the hospital if he can have his head examined. Mr. Heinz, a psychiatrist interviews Paddington and tells him to give him a word with the opposite meaning to those he will call out. / Paddington, to his surprise, finds all the Browns holding a party in his honour. Mr. Gruber gives him a book "One hundred ways of tearing paper". Paddington consults the book - the first item is "The mystery of the disappearing banknote". He borrows a note from Mr. Curry and tears bits out of it - it is supposed to turn up in Mr. Curry's ear but Paddington had turned to the wrong page and has made a paper doily.
Paddington and the Cold Snap / Trouble At the Waxworks / Paddington Makes a Clean Sweep / A Sticky Time
6. Paddington and the Cold Snap / Trouble At the Waxworks / Paddington Makes a Clean Sweep / A Sticky Time
Mr. Curry asks Paddington to get a plumber as his bathroom pipes are frozen. The plumber tells Paddington to give Mr. Curry a book on plumbing. Paddington decides to have a go himself and starts knocking pipes with the result that water is flowing everywhere but in the basin. Mr. Curry is furious and asks Paddington to hit the spanner to move the stopcock, but the mallet lands on Mr. Curry's foot. / Mr. Gruber takes Paddington on a mystery outing to the Waxworks. Paddington is mystified by strange figures in costumes. He approaches a kiosk to buy souvenirs and finds the lady is made of wax. He drops chocolate into the attendant's ticket box, but he is real, not wax. So Paddington escapes from him and joins a group of wax figures, pretending he is one of them. / The dining room in the Brown's home - curtains and pictures are removed and the furniture is covered with dustsheets ready for a Spring-clean. Mr. Brown's new chimney-sweeping outfit is in a box. Paddington opens the box, assembles the rods and pushes the brush up the chimney. He goes outside and through binoculars sees the brush poking out of the chimney. Then he goes indoors, dismantles the rods and realizes that the brush is not on the last rod. / Paddington attempts to make Old Fashioned Butter Toffee from a recipe in a magazine. The toffee set hard in the saucepan and the kitchen was in a frightful mess. He looks through the window and sees Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Bird returning. When they come in, he is on the floor unable to stand up, so they rush him to the hospital, where a doctor tells them that the toffee had stuck to his fur, which had to be cut off.
Paddinton and the Christmas Shopping / Christmas / Mr. Curry Takes a Bath / Paddington Turns Detective
5. Paddinton and the Christmas Shopping / Christmas / Mr. Curry Takes a Bath / Paddington Turns Detective
Paddington outside Crumbold and Ferns store, passing through revolving doors he falls and lands on a diamond tiepin. He goes into the shop to buy an expanding clothesline for Mrs. Bird. He tests the line in the shop with disastrous effects - tying everyone in knots and knocking over a display table. He dashes out of the shop and meets Sir Gresham Gibbs, owner of the tiepin, and Paddington is rewarded. / Paddington is sitting up in bed with pillowcase full of parcels, which he unwraps. Later, the Brown family and Paddington are at the table for Christmas dinner. Paddington polishes off the turkey and mince pies and finds something hard in the pudding. The Browns think he has swallowed the five-penny piece and tell him to stand on his head and jump about. / Paddington looks out of the window and finds that Mr. Brown's shed has been replaced by a sauna bath. Mr. Curry explains what a sauna is and says he'll try it himself. Paddington finds a padlock in his suitcase and fits it to the door of the sauna hut. Mr. Curry shouts to be let out, but Paddington has difficulties with the combination of the lock. / Paddington was given a torch by Mr. Gruber. He was practicing with it one evening, when he had a shock. Every time he flashed the torch out of the window, he received the same signal back. The light seemed to be coming from Mr. Brown's greenhouse. The next day Paddington decided to test his detective's disguise, but he is immediately recognized by Mrs. Brown.
Too Much Off the Top / A Visit to the Dentist / Paddington Cleans Up / Trouble At Number 32
4. Too Much Off the Top / A Visit to the Dentist / Paddington Cleans Up / Trouble At Number 32
Paddington leaves Mr. Gruber's shop and sees a notice in a barber's shop for a willing junior. Paddington tests the clippers on the broom. Customer sitting in chair calls for service. Paddington switches on the clippers and sets to work until the man is almost bald. Then he attempts to glue ginger hair to his head. / Paddington loses part of his tooth down the waste disposal sink and has to go to the dentist. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Bird accompany him. Mr. Leach the dentist attempts to take a wax impression of Paddington's tooth. He asks Paddington to bite and he does so on the dentist's thumb. / Paddington leaves his shopping basket on wheels outside a baker's shop, and when he comes out he finds a vacuum cleaner on the basket and a salesman telling him he can make a fortune with it. He makes a big mess in Mr. Curry's lounge so as to demonstrate the cleaner, when he finds that Mr. Curry has no electric socket for plugging in the cleaner. Mr. Curry tears his hair in rage. / Paddington is surprised to see snow when he looks out of the window. Jonathan, Judy and Paddington clear snow from the path of the Browns' house. Paddington decides to clear snow from Mr. Curry's paths too. Jonathan and Judy are busy making a snowman, and then all three have a snowball fight. Mr. Curry comes out complaining that a snowball landed on his hot water bottle and melted in his bed. Paddington has closed and blocked Mr. Curry's back door, locking him out.
Do-It-Yourself / A Disappearing Trick / Something Nasty in the Kitchen / Trouble At the Launderette
3. Do-It-Yourself / A Disappearing Trick / Something Nasty in the Kitchen / Trouble At the Launderette
Using a carpentry set which Paddington bought at the Auction, he attempts to make a magazine rack for Mr. Curry, and saws his kitchen table in two in the process. / Paddington tries out a new conjuring outfit at his birthday. He does various tricks and borrows Mr. Curry's wristwatch, which he smashes. Mr. Curry is furious. Mr. Gruber offers to replace it. / Mr. and Mrs. Brown were ill in bed, Jonathan and Judy were at school and Mrs. Bird was away on holiday. Paddington offers to cook the dinner and make dumplings. The dumplings overflow from the saucepan right along the floor. / Paddington offers to lend a paw with the washing, and to do some of Mr. Curry's pullovers as well in the launderette. The Browns' laundry needed hot water, whereas Mr. Curry's pullovers warm water. Paddington uses two machines, but reverses his instructions with disastrous results for the pullovers. He also has trouble with the tea-vending machine.
Paddington and the 'Old Master' / A Spot of Decorating / A Family Group / Paddington Makes a Bid
2. Paddington and the 'Old Master' / A Spot of Decorating / A Family Group / Paddington Makes a Bid
Paddington meets Mr. Gruber, who keeps an antique shop in Portobello Road. Mr. Gruber tells him about old masters and that they are sometimes discovered under modern paintings. Paddington cleans one of Mr. Brown's paintings and finds nothing underneath. He repaints the picture with marmalade and it wins first prize in a local show - much to Mr. Brown's annoyance. / Mr. Brown decided to decorate the attic so that Paddington can have a room of his own, but it was half done. Paddington decides to complete the job, painting and papering. He papers over the window and door. / Paddington buys himself a camera in the market. He decides to take a family group, but has problems with the instructions on how to work the camera. No one expects the picture to be successful, but to everyone's surprise, the result is quite clear. / Mr. Gruber takes Paddington to an auction room. Paddington unknowingly bids for various articles by waving his paw and raising his hat.
Please Look After This Bear / A Bear in Hot Water / Paddington Goes Underground / A Shopping Expedition
1. Please Look After This Bear / A Bear in Hot Water / Paddington Goes Underground / A Shopping Expedition
September 14, 1975
Mr. and Mrs. Brown find a bear on Paddington Station. They name him "Paddington". Mr. Brown takes him to a buffet for some refreshments and things rapidly get out of hand. Paddington is taken to their home by taxi and meets their daughter Judy. / Paddington arrives at 32, Windsor Gardens, the Brown's home. He meets their housekeeper, Mrs. Bird. After unpacking he is taken to the bathroom, where he creates a disastrous mess bathing, and meets Jonathan, the Browns' son. / Mrs. Brown and Judy take Paddington shopping. They travel on the Underground, where Paddington has trouble going up and down the escalators. / The Browns visit Barkridges to buy Paddington pyjamas. Paddington goes into what he thinks is a changing room to try on the pyjamas. It is in fact a shop window with a bedroom display. Paddington gets into bed and falls asleep. Crowds gather round the window to watch Paddington.
Paddington's Birthday Bonanza
103. Paddington's Birthday Bonanza
September 1, 1986
Mr. Brown?s birthday is drawing near and Paddington is worried because he can't afford to buy him a present. His efforts to raise some money lead him into a series of misadventures, first as a waiter at a society dinner, then as the dancing partner of the hostess, Mrs. Smith-Cholmley, in a televised dance competition at the local charity ball. Much to everyone?s astonishment, he and his partner sweep the floor and win the cash prize. Paddington?s troubles are over and he is able to grant Mr Brown his most unusual birthday wish.
Where to Watch Paddington Bear
Paddington Bear is available for streaming on the Cookie Jar website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Paddington Bear on demand at Amazon, Vudu and Google Play.
  • Premiere Date
    September 14, 1975
  • IMDB Rating
    7.2  (139)