Liberty's Kids, The Complete Series

Watch Liberty's Kids, The Complete Series

  • 2002
  • 1 Season

Liberty's Kids, The Complete Series is an animated television series that aired from 2002 to 2003. Produced by DIC Entertainment and aired on PBS, the show is a perfect combination of entertainment and education. The series consists of 40 episodes, each 22 minutes long. The show is a Cookie Jar production, and it tells the story of the American Revolution through the eyes of three young characters.

The three protagonists of the series are Sarah Phillips, James Hiller, and Henri Richard. Sarah is a young, female reporter from England who is sent to Philadelphia to cover the Revolutionary War. James is a young, energetic and enthusiastic boy from Virginia, who is eager to join the war effort. Henri is a French orphan who travels to America in search of his father, who is a French soldier.

The three characters are initially reluctant to work together, but soon find that their unique perspectives and skills combine to produce a formidable force. With Sarah's writing skills, James's ingenuity, and Henri's scouting abilities, the three become Liberty's Kids.

The series takes viewers on a journey through the Revolutionary War, covering events such as the Boston Tea Party, the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and the battles of Lexington and Concord. The series is not afraid to tackle difficult issues such as slavery and women's rights, and it explores the roles of individuals such as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Paine.

The Liberty's Kids series aims to teach young viewers about the history of the American Revolution, while also entertaining them with a gripping storyline and colorful animation. The show's creators have taken care to ensure that the events are historically accurate, giving viewers a true understanding of the events that shaped American history.

Each episode is rich with information, and viewers will learn about the people who made a difference in the Revolutionary War. They will also gain a greater understanding of the various battles and events that took place during the war. The show's creators have made an effort to present the information in a way that is accessible to young viewers, without sacrificing historical accuracy.

Moreover, the series highlights the challenges of the American Revolution and the hard work of the people who fought for their freedom. The series also showcases how America became a free, independent country and how its democracy flourished. The show emphasizes themes such as patriotism and civic duty, encouraging viewers to take an active role in their communities and stand up for their beliefs.

The Liberty's Kids series was well received by viewers and critics alike, garnering numerous awards and nominations. The show's incredible voice acting also added to the overall quality of the show. Famous actors like Walter Cronkite, Dustin Hoffman, Annette Bening and Michael Douglas lent their voices to the show, bringing depth and warmth to the characters they played.

In conclusion, Liberty's Kids, The Complete Series is an incredible show that combines entertainment with education. Its ability to teach young viewers about the history of the American Revolution while keeping them engaged with its plot and animation is exemplary. The show's creators have done a masterful job of presenting the historical events in a way that is both informative and fun. The show is essential viewing for anyone interested in American history, and it will serve as an excellent resource for teachers and parents who want to educate their kids on this crucial period in American history.

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We The People
40. We The People
April 3, 2003
America's leaders meet at a convention in Philadelphia and decide to write a radical new Constitution. Ben Franklin, in his final moment on the world stage, helps forge the "Great Compromise" on legislative representation. James Madison writes much of the Constitution, the lawful embodiment of the promise of the Revolution (9/17/87). It includes the "odious compromise" on slavery that maintains the practice's legality in the United States. George Washington is inaugurated as the first President (4/30/1789). Moses resolves to open a school for free black children. Sarah's father joins the family from Ohio. Everyone looks forward to their new lives in the United States of America.
Going Home
39. Going Home
April 2, 2003
With the signing of the Treaty of Paris, loyalists are forced to leave their homes. Many slaves move to Canada to avoid being returned to slavery. American soldiers return home, many of them to abject poverty. Shays' Rebellion and other events make it clear that the United States requires a strong central government if it is to survive as a nation. Sarah goes to New York to get the story of the fate of the loyalists from Mrs. Radcliffe. Moses helps Cato travel to New York, where Cato leaves for Nova Scotia with Mrs. Radcliffe. James reports on Shays and the discontent of the former soldiers -- and resolves to own and run his own newspaper. Lafayette invites Henri to live with him in France. Ben, accompanied by Sarah's mother, returns from Europe to a triumphant reception in Philadelphia.
The Man Who Wouldn't Be King
38. The Man Who Wouldn't Be King
April 1, 2003
Ben Franklin and John Adams sign the peace treaty with England, ending the Revolutionary War (11/30/83). At Newburgh, New York, some members of Washington's officer corps want him to become King and take over the country. Washington puts down the revolt -- with his eyeglasses (3/15/83). He then races to Congress and resigns to become, once again, a farmer and private citizen (12/23/83). When King George III hears that the conquering general has not seized power, he says, "He will be remembered as the greatest man who ever lived." James tells Sarah and Henri the story of the attempted military coup and the three Kids journey to Maryland to see Washington offer his resignation to Congress.
Born Free And Equal
37. Born Free And Equal
March 31, 2003
Massachusetts slave "Mum Bett" sues for her freedom (5/28/1781). When she wins, she renames herself Elizabeth Freeman (8/81). With this decision and that in the case of another slave, Quok Walker, Massachusetts has abolished slavery (1783). In Great Britain, a bitter, recalcitrant King George III is finally convinced to recognize American independence and to go to the peace table. Sarah, staying with Abigail Adams in Boston, is thrilled to see Mum Bett freed and resolves to fight for civil rights. In France, Ben Franklin hopes that news of Yorktown will convince King George to surrender to his former colonies.
36. Yorktown
January 23, 2003
The climatic battle of the war. Moses' brother Cato, a soldier on the British side, is sent into harm's way by Cornwallis and is aided by a sympathetic Hessian soldier. After a long siege, Cornwallis surrenders. It's a huge victory for the Americans, but Washington is not yet convinced the war is over (10/19/81). Moses joins the American mining corps and tries unsuccessfully to find Cato. Sarah, James and Henri witness the siege and victory at Yorktown.
James Armistead
35. James Armistead
January 22, 2003
Virginia slave James Armistead joins Lafayette and spies on Benedict Arnold (3/81). Then, working as a double agent, Armistead provides false information to British General Cornwallis (7/81). With news that de Grasse's French fleet is headed for Chesapeake Bay, Washington abandons plans to attack New York (8/14/81). His Excellency resolves to move his troops to Virginia to join with the French fleet and trap Cornwallis in Yorktown. Sarah and Henri go from camp to camp with Lafayette as he jousts with Cornwallis, then worry over the fate of James Armistead. James follows the maneuvering of Washington and Henry Knox. Moses learns from Sarah that his brother Cato is fighting with Cornwallis's forces.
Deborah Samson: Soldier Of The Revolution
34. Deborah Samson: Soldier Of The Revolution
January 21, 2003
Deborah Samson masquerades as a man so she can enlist in the Continental army (5/20/1782-10/23/83). Washington and French general Rochambeau disagree on whether to try to retake New York or move south against Cornwallis (1/81-5/81). Sarah meets the courageous Deborah Samson. James and Henri, accompanying Washington, meet Rochambeau.
Conflict In The South
33. Conflict In The South
January 20, 2003
General Nathanael Greene replaces Horatio Gates as the American commander in the south (10/16/80). Trying to win the hearts and minds of the Southern populace, he leads Cornwallis on a six-month chase that exhausts the British troops and leads Cornwallis to move into Virginia (12/80-3/81). Virginia Governor Thomas Jefferson is forced by Benedict Arnold to abandon the Governor's residence in Richmond. James and Henri follow the ups and downs of Greene's efforts. Sarah discusses slavery with Thomas Jefferson.
Benedict Arnold
32. Benedict Arnold
November 20, 2002
James, Sarah and Henri are there when Arnold tries to hand West Point over to British (9/21/80). Arnold's plot is uncovered when his accomplice Major Andre is captured (9/23/80). Sarah, especially, is upset by her former friend's treason.
31. Bostonians
November 11, 2002
Sarah and Henri join the Adams family in Massachusetts just as John and his son John Quincy return from France and are reunited with Abigail (8/2/79). John is asked to write the Massachusetts Constitution (8/9/79). James travels to New York where he meets Joseph Brant, a chief of the Iroquois Confederacy, and learns firsthand about atrocities committed by Iroquois and American alike (8/27/79).
In Praise Of Ben
30. In Praise Of Ben
November 8, 2002
Sarah returns to Philadelphia and is reunited with Moses, James and Henri. Henri gets into a scrape with a Tory boy when the Tory makes disparaging comments about Ben Franklin. Sarah, James and Moses tell the boys about Franklin's discoveries, inventions, writings and other accomplishments that have made him one of the world's greatest men.
The Great Galvez
29. The Great Galvez
November 7, 2002
Spanish Governor Bernardo de Galvez aides the American cause by capturing Baton Rouge (9/21/79), Natchez (10/5/79) and Mobile (3/13/80) from the British. James and Henri sail down the Mississippi, seeking Galvez. In England, Sarah witnesses British opposition to the war and tells her mother she intends to return to Philadelphia.
Not Yet Begun To Fight!
28. Not Yet Begun To Fight!
November 6, 2002
In a long, desperate battle, John Paul Jones and his wildly outgunned Bonhomme Richard defeat the British Serapis off the coast of England (9/23/79). Sailing to England, Sarah is shipwrecked and saved by Jones. Later, she comes to the realization that she is now, in her heart, an American.
The New Frontier
27. The New Frontier
November 5, 2002
In the Ohio territory, Shawnee Chief Cornstalk and his people are caught between the Americans and the British, with tragic results (11/77). In Philadelphia, inflation makes life difficult for working people and leads to the "Fort Wilson" riot (10/79). Sarah is reunited with her father in Ohio. After witnessing the cruel treatment of Cornstalk, she has had enough of the violence in the New World and decides to return to England. James takes on an angry mob as he reports on the repercussions of inflation.
Honor And Compromise
26. Honor And Compromise
November 4, 2002
The States struggle to unite politically before the arrival of the French Ambassador (5/9/78-7/8/78). Charles Henry Lee nearly costs the Americans dearly at the Battle of Monmouth when, in direct violation of his orders, he orders a retreat (6/28/78). George Washington arrives just in time to rally his troops to victory. Henri befriends Wappinger Abraham Nimham, who tutors the boy on the finer points of capturing turkeys for their feathers. Sarah and Moses visit Congress in York, Pennsylvania, and witness the debate over the Articles of Confederation.
Allies At Last
25. Allies At Last
October 4, 2002
News of the American victory at Saratoga helps pave the way for Ben Franklin to negotiate a treaty with France. The treaty obligates the French to help fight the Revolutionary War (2/6/78). James learns about religious freedom from Moses Michael Hayes, while Sarah and Henri spend time with British troops in occupied Philadelphia.
Valley Forge
24. Valley Forge
October 3, 2002
James, Sarah and Henri are there as George Washington and his Continental Army endure a horrible winter at Valley Forge. Baron von Stueben drafts a training program for the army and helps Washington's troops become a professional fighting unit. Lafayette proves his loyalty to Washington as The Conway Cabal, a plot to oust George Washington as commander of the army, fails.
The Hessians Are Coming
23. The Hessians Are Coming
October 2, 2002
General Horatio Gates defeats Burgoyne at the Battle of Saratoga (10/17/77). Benedict Arnold is the true hero of the battle but is angered when he fails to receive proper recognition. James witnesses the victory at Saratoga while lashed to a Hessian soldier. Sarah is present for Benedict Arnold's heroics.
Lafayette Arrives
22. Lafayette Arrives
October 1, 2002
The 19-year-old Marquis de Lafayette arrives after an eventful journey from France and offers his services to Congress (7/27/77). After at first being turned down he is sent to George Washington, who virtually adopts him as his son. Lafayette distinguishes himself at the Battle of Brandywine Creek (9/11/77). News of his great courage helps the American cause in France. Henri meets Lafayette, who becomes his idol. The Kids follow the Marquis from Congress to the field at Brandywine.
Sybil Ludington
21. Sybil Ludington
September 30, 2002
Sixteen-year-old Sybil Ludington makes her own "midnight ride" in Westchester County, New York (4/26/77). Benedict Arnold fights for "respect" from Congress. James learns that all kinds of people can be heroes. Sarah sees Benedict Arnold battle for respect with the same passion he uses to battle the British. She becomes concerned that Arnold's passions might do what the British cannot -- defeat him.
An American In Paris
20. An American In Paris
September 27, 2002
Ben Franklin sets up residence in Paris and begins his uphill battle to enlist France in the American cause (12/28/76). Franklin's hopes are bolstered when news of the victories at Trenton and Princeton reach France (3/77). In America, civilians and soldiers alike fight the scourge of smallpox (1/77). While visiting Abigail Adams in Boston, Sarah finds herself in the middle of a smallpox epidemic and, after being inoculated, contracts a bad case of the disease. James accompanies Alexander Hamilton to the army camp at Morristown, where Hamilton joins Washington's staff.
Across The Delaware
19. Across The Delaware
September 26, 2002
Washington re-crosses the Delaware River on Christmas Day. His troops defeat the sleeping Hessians at Trenton (12/26/76). Washington lights campfires to make it look like his men are bunking down for the night, then marches to Princeton and another victory (1/2/77). The country celebrates; morale is restored. James and Sarah are concerned when a British spy named John Honeyman is captured. James discovers Honeyman is really spying for Washington.
American Crisis
18. American Crisis
September 25, 2002
The low point of the war for the Americans. Washington's adjutant, General Joseph Reed, questions the Commander's ability to lead. General Lee ignores Washington's orders and is eventually captured by the British (12/13/76). The Continental Congress, anticipating attack, flees Philadelphia for Baltimore (12/12/76). Washington knows he must win a battle or the revolution will fail from lack of public support. Meanwhile, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Franklin's thoughts and hopes are with the Americans. The Kids are reunited with Thomas Paine and are witnesses as Paine writes that "These are the times that try men's souls."
Captain Molly
17. Captain Molly
September 24, 2002
Ben Franklin, appointed to a commission to negotiate a treaty with the French, sails for France aboard the Reprisal (10/24/76). Fort Washington surrenders, a catastrophe for the American cause (11/12/76). To this date, General Washington has lost every battle. Sarah travels to Fort Tryon and meets the courageous "Captain Molly," who takes up her husband's cannon when he falls. James sees his confidence in George Washington shaken, then hears the General vow determinedly to never again make a decision that goes against his own instincts. Henri agrees to let Moses give him reading lessons.
One Life To Lose
16. One Life To Lose
September 23, 2002
A failed peace conference between the British Admiral Howe and John Adams and Ben Franklin convinces the American leaders that the British have no interest in making peace (9/11/76). Nathan Hale is caught spying and hanged (9/22/76). The Kids, at first unimpressed with Nathan Hale, get deeply inspired by the man's words and deeds.
The Turtle
15. The Turtle
September 20, 2002
The first attempt to sink a ship with a submarine fails (9/6/76). Still, the blockade of New York is weakened by another example of Yankee ingenuity. The Kids, thinking they're reporting on the sighting of a "sea monster" in New York harbor, instead meet David Bushnell, the father of the submarine.
New York, New York
14. New York, New York
September 19, 2002
At the Battle of Long Island, Washington fights the British in open field battles -- with catastrophic results (8/27-29/76). His troops in disarray and his spirit nearly broken, the Commander vows to avoid open field battles and to instead borrow war tactics from the Indians. After the battle of Kip's Bay, the British take New York City (9/15/76). In New York City, Sarah stays with her mother's friend Mrs. Radcliffe and reports on the loyalist point of view. James escapes across the East River to Manhahattan Island with the Continental army under cover of night.
The First Fourth Of July
13. The First Fourth Of July
September 18, 2002
As Hessians arrive off the coast of Staten Island (7/4/76), John Adams finally convinces Congress that independence is the only answer to the colonies' problems. They ask Thomas Jefferson to write the first draft of a "Declaration of Independence." Shortly after the Declaration is signed on July 4th, a massive British fleet enters New York harbor. Ben Franklin realizes that "we must hang together or we will surely hang separately." James learns about the tremendous power of words.
Common Sense
12. Common Sense
September 17, 2002
Thomas Paine publishes his famous pamphlet. It is an instant best seller, read by everyone from General George Washington to the lowest private in the army. James, Sarah and Henri meet Thomas Paine and learn of his belief that the common man can rule himself. The Kids also hear Paine's stand favoring full independence from England.
Washington Takes Command
11. Washington Takes Command
September 16, 2002
George Washington arrives in Boston to take command of the army (7/3/75). He has no idea if the New Englanders will follow a Virginian, but he is a born leader and quickly takes charge of the defense of Boston. After a yearlong siege, the British withdraw to New York (3/4/76). Sarah, James and Henri travel to Massachusetts with Washington and see him pull together the diverse group of men into a Continental army. James accompanies Henry Knox to Fort Ticonderoga to bring back the cannons which finally help to drive the British from Boston. James and Sarah proudly watch the raising of the new Grand Union flag.
Postmaster General Franklin
10. Postmaster General Franklin
September 13, 2002
Ben Franklin is named the first Postmaster General of the colonies (7/26/75). When Patriot mail falls into the hands of the British, James and Sarah agree to carry important letters safely to New York. On the way they evade British troops and get help from the New Jersey Committee of Correspondence.
Bunker Hill
9. Bunker Hill
September 12, 2002
The first major battle of the war. The Americans, with little ammunition, "don't shoot until they see the whites of their eyes." The battle results in a victory for the Crown, but at such a high cost to the British that the American cause gains needed momentum. Sarah searches for a British officer who may know her father's whereabouts. James, with Dr. Joseph Warren at Bunker Hill, witnesses the battle and learns firsthand the high price of freedom. Henri makes mischief as a messenger between the battle lines.
The Second Continental Congress
8. The Second Continental Congress
September 11, 2002
The colonies decide they need a national army. John Adams nominates George Washington -- over other candidates who include the President of Congress, John Hancock -- to lead the new force. Desperate for information on what Congress is doing behind the closed doors of the statehouse, James unknowingly befriends a British spy. Sarah and Moses meet George Washington and together use "Yankee ingenuity" to fix Washington's carriage.
Green Mountain Boys
7. Green Mountain Boys
September 10, 2002
Trouble erupts in the New Hampshire Grants when settlers are forced from their homes (1770-1775). Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold reluctantly join forces to capture Fort Ticonderoga in New York -- thereby expanding the war beyond New England (5/10/75). James heads to the Grants to cover the story of the settlers' struggle; Sarah goes hoping to find a place in the Green Mountains for her family to settle; Henri goes hoping to find maple syrup. Sarah and James witness the capture of the fort and Sarah befriends Benedict Arnold.
The Shot Heard 'Round The World
6. The Shot Heard 'Round The World
September 9, 2002
The Revolutionary War begins with the battles of Lexington and Concord. Minutemen -- citizens taking up arms -- fight the powerful, experienced Red Coats. James, reporting on the minutemen, and Sarah, with the British army, witness the "shot heard round the world" at Concord Bridge.
The Midnight Ride
5. The Midnight Ride
September 6, 2002
Paul Revere and William Dawes spread the word that the "British are coming!" on the eve of "the shot heard 'round the world." Sarah and James travel to Boston to deliver a message to Patriot leader Dr. Joseph Warren and end up riding with the famous messengers.
Liberty Or Death
4. Liberty Or Death
September 5, 2002
Patrick Henry, the greatest speaker of his day, stirs the South to the cause of freedom with his famous "Give me Liberty or give me death!" speech (3/23/75). Lord Dunmore's Proclamation offers liberty to any slave who will fight for the British (11/14/75). James, Sarah, Henri and Moses travel to Virginia, where they witness Henry's speech. Moses is shocked to see his brother Cato on the slave auction block and risks his own freedom to rescue him. Cato sees hope for himself in Dunmore's Proclamation.
United We Stand
3. United We Stand
September 4, 2002
At the First Continental Congress, representatives of each colony meet as a group for the first time. Sam and John Adams argue that the Intolerable Acts are not just a New England problem, they are an "American problem." The British shut down Boston Harbor to all trade. Moses lets James report on Congress and after a British sailor is "tarred and feathered," James learns about the ugliness of mob rule. Sarah and Henri meet Abigail Adams and travel with her to bring supplies and pamphlets to the occupied city of Boston.
Intolerable Acts (Pilot, Part Two)
2. Intolerable Acts (Pilot, Part Two)
September 3, 2002
In response to the Boston Tea Party, the British Parliament passes the "Intolerable Acts," including "quartering." Boston becomes an occupied city (3/74-6/74). In England, Ben Franklin faces charges of treason (1/74). Moses, James, Sarah and Henri hide at poet Phillis Wheatley's house in Boston, where some of His Majesty's soldiers are being quartered.
The Boston Tea Party (Pilot, Part One)
1. The Boston Tea Party (Pilot, Part One)
September 2, 2002
Colonists in Boston rebel against "taxation without representation" by throwing a fortune in tea into the harbor (12/16/73). Moses, James and Henri travel to Boston in search of Sarah, who has arrived from England on a tea-laden ship.
  • Premiere Date
    September 2, 2002