
Watch Pistorius

  • Not Rated
  • 2018
  • 1 Season
  • 7.4  (805)

Pistorius is a captivating and deeply explorative four-part docuseries from Amazon released in 2018. Centered on the life and infamous trial of the former Paralympic champion Oscar Pistorius, this series is both a meticulously detailed recounting and a thought-provoking investigation.

Oscar Pistorius, also dubbed as the “Blade Runner,” was celebrated internationally as a beacon of inspiration and resilience. Having been born without fibulas, a lower-leg bone, Pistorius endured his legs being amputated below the knee when he was just eleven months old. Notwithstanding such a profound setback, he went on to track and field stardom earning worldwide recognition as the first Paralympic athlete to compete in the able-bodied Olympics in 2012. However, this gleaming edifice of heroic triumph came crumbling down on Valentine's Day 2013 when Pistorius shot and killed his girlfriend, the model Reeva Steenkamp, at their home in Pretoria, South Africa.

"Pistorius" explores this real-life tragedy that saw a celebrated national hero transform into a convicted murderer overnight. The series delves into the events leading up to the fateful night of Steenkamp's death and the resultant trial that seized international headlines and attention. Transforming the documentary into an informative analysis, the creators juxtapose Pistorius' journey with the diverse and conflicted landscape of post-Apartheid South Africa—a country wrestling with its rigid history and newfound identity.

The show artfully weaves together key elements from Pistorius' life, highlighting his rise to fame, his extraordinary achievements, his turbulent relationship with Steenkamp, and the widely publicized trial that followed her death. The series goes beyond mere speculation, instead sourcing key insights from a wide range of individuals personally linked to the events, including exclusive interviews with close friends, family members, sports journalists, legal experts, and even the courtroom itself.

The narrative draws the audience in, making them privy to Pistorius' life before the event, revealing the depths of his ambition, determination, and relentless pursuit of athletic excellence. However, it also exposes the darker undercurrents—his bouts of rampant aggression, his obsession with firearms, and his frequently troubled romantic relationships.

The series does not shy away from delving deep into the cataclysmic event itself. It paints a vivid picture of the tragic night using court transcripts, evidence photos, and expert testimonies—each piece contributing to the collage of events that has shocked the world. The aftermath of the incident, the media circus, public outrage, and the spiraling mental health of Pistorius are also addressed, providing a comprehensive portrayal of the dramatic series of events.

"Pistorius" also shines a light on South Africa's condition, bearing witness to the country's tumultuous history and racially charged atmosphere. South Africa's struggle with staggering violent crime rates, societal inequalities fueled by decades of apartheid, and the questions of class and privilege that exist in the justice system, are all addressed, creating a larger context within which the trial took place.

Visually striking images and a stirring musical score combine to impart an intense viewing experience. The cinematography and soundtrack, paired with effective storytelling, ensure that the series is not merely informative, but also emotionally resonant.

With its comprehensive storytelling, "Pistorius" transcends the conventional boundaries of true crime docuseries, creating an intricate tapestry of crime, sports, courtroom drama, personal tragedy, and a nation's journey. It dissects a complex narrative of an adored sportsperson’s rise and fall, threading together the realities of fame, disability, and determination against a backdrop of a society in transition.

Both informative and emotionally insightful, "Pistorius" is designed to appeal to a diverse audience base—not only true crime enthusiasts, sports fans or those seeking to understand the impactful event, but also to anyone interested in engaging with a compelling, deeply human narrative that posits larger questions: about individual tragedy, public fame, and the societal forces that shape and propel them.

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The Man Who Wasn't There
4. The Man Who Wasn't There
September 6, 2018
The Man Who Wasn't There, that is, according to Judge Masipa's verdict, the 'person' who Oscar fired at; as she declares him 'innocent' of Reeva Steenkamp's murder, instead finding him guilty for the lesser offence of culpable homicide. But as Oscar and his family rejoice, the prosecution doesn't rest - launching appeal after appeal in search for justice and for the truth, however ambiguous.
A Good Day to Tell You That I Love You
3. A Good Day to Tell You That I Love You
September 6, 2018
A Good Day to Tell You That I Love You, but how much of the relationship was about love? That is the question posed by the state as they lead evidence against him; a parade of ex-girlfriends, gangsters, guns and signs of abuse. But the defense shows the 'commonplace' nature of such shootings in South Africa; and how Oscar, a man without a motive, had more reason to be fearful of crime than most.
Valentine's Day
2. Valentine's Day
September 6, 2018
Valentine's Day, 2013: just over five months after the triumphs of London 2012, four shots are fired in the early hours of the morning. The door to Oscar's bathroom has been destroyed. The body of his girlfriend lies prostrate on the floor downstairs. Oscar stands on his stumps in the garage, covered in her blood. The world wakes up.
The Dream
1. The Dream
September 6, 2018
The Dream that is Nelson Mandela's 'Rainbow Nation' is born out of a deformed apartheid South Africa; an overwhelmingly black country ruled for over 100 years by a tiny white minority; among whom is a young Oscar. A baby boy born without the use of his two feet, but who somehow rises to unique athletic success; becoming a unifying symbol for both his country and for sport around the world.
  • Premiere Date
    September 6, 2018
  • IMDB Rating
    7.4  (805)