Second Chance

Watch Second Chance

  • TV-14
  • 2016
  • 1 Season
  • 7.4  (12,847)

Second Chance is a science-fiction crime thriller drama that premiered on FOX in 2016. It follows the story of a 75-year-old sheriff named Jimmy Pritchard (played by Robert Kazinsky) who dies in the line of duty while investigating a case. However, his body is later revived by a team of scientists who give him a new lease on life through an experimental procedure that involves injecting him with a special serum that regenerates his cells.

As a result of the serum, Pritchard not only comes back to life but also becomes younger, stronger, and faster. He now has a second chance at life and uses his newfound abilities to solve crimes while navigating his complicated personal life.

Although Pritchard is grateful for his new lease on life, he is also torn between his longing for his old life and his newfound abilities. He also discovers a troubling conspiracy led by the businessman who orchestrated his resurrection, Otto Goodwin (played by Adhir Kalyan). Goodwin has his own agenda for resurrecting Pritchard and wants to use him as a weapon to further his own interests.

Pritchard's family life is also complicated. He has two grown children, Duval (played by Tim DeKay) and Helen (played by Amanda Detmer), who are not on the best of terms with him. Duval is a police detective who is investigating the crimes that Pritchard helps solve while also trying to understand his father's resurrection. Helen, on the other hand, is a wealthy and influential socialite who resents her father for being absent during most of her childhood.

To add to the mix, Pritchard's relationship with his adult son Duval is conflicted, to say the least, and much of the story centers around the father-son dynamic. Duval is initially hesitant to accept his father's new identity and resents him for his past neglect and abandonment.

The show features an intricate plot filled with twists and turns that keep the audience engaged. It also explores several underlying themes such as personal redemption, the ethics of resurrection, family relationships, and the dark side of technology.

The cast does an excellent job of bringing their characters to life, especially Robert Kazinsky, who portrays Sheriff Pritchard in a powerfully emotive and nuanced performance. Kazinsky's ability to convey the internal turmoil of his character is impressive, and his portrayal of the sometimes-conflicted emotions of a man given a second chance is compelling.

Dilshad Vadsaria also delivers a strong performance as Mary Goodwin, Otto's daughter and the lead scientist responsible for Pritchard's resurrection. Her character is conflicted and caught between her duty and her feelings for Pritchard. Adhir Kalyan is equally adept at playing the charismatic, megalomaniac Otto Goodwin, the show's main villain, who is willing to stop at nothing to achieve his goal.

The cinematography is visually stunning, and the show's sets and special effects are impressive, creating a world that is both intriguing and immersive. The show's action scenes are also well choreographed and executed, adding to its overall appeal.

Overall, Second Chance is an engaging and entertaining show that explores the theme of second chances in life. Though it was canceled after just one season, many fans were disappointed to see it go, especially given its cliffhanger ending that left several plot threads unresolved.

Second Chance is a series that ran for 1 seasons (52 episodes) between January 13, 2016 and on FOX

Second Chance
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Der neue Marc
52. Der neue Marc
August 9, 2012
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Barow verk
Marc in Gefahr
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Anne, Marcs Stiefmutter, versucht ihn im Krankenhaus umzubringen, Alice kann das Ganze gerade noch verhindern. Sie erz
Der Countdown l
48. Der Countdown l
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47. Die gro
August 5, 2012
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Als Catherine davon h
Im Koma
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August 1, 2012
Laetitia sieht nun, dass ihre Eifersucht unbegr
44. Mordgel
July 31, 2012
Laetitia wacht mitten in der Nacht bei Marc auf, weil sie einen Albtraum hatte, in dem sie Alice erw
Von Dichtern und Denkern
43. Von Dichtern und Denkern
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Anonyme Drohungen
42. Anonyme Drohungen
July 29, 2012
Alice bekommt nach dem anonymen Drohanruf auch noch einen Brief, der sie vor Gefahr warnt. Sie wird immer nerv
July 26, 2012
Marc sagt Laetitia die Wahrheit: er hat die Woche nicht in London, sondern bei Alice zu Hause verbracht. Seine Krankheit verschweigt er ihr aber weiterhin. Es kommt zum Streit. Laetitia ist sehr w
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Lucas bittet Anne, ihm 100.000 Euro zu geben. Als die sich nicht dazu bereit erkl
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38. Ein fast perfektes Team
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Als Alice aus der Agentur nach Hause kommt, erf
37. Abgetaucht
July 22, 2012
Laetitia ist wahnsinnig sauer, dass Alice f
Die Vertretung
36. Die Vertretung
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Marc ist tats
Die geheime Mission
35. Die geheime Mission
July 18, 2012
Alice kommt sich wie eine Doppelagentin vor. Sie trifft sich konspirativ mit Marc im Kopierraum und arbeitet in geheimer Mission an dem Earth is Our's-Projekt, obwohl Laetitia sie gewarnt hat, weil sie dann ihren Job riskiert.
In der Zwickm
34. In der Zwickm
July 17, 2012
Alice gibt Marc gegen
33. Gest
July 16, 2012
Alice findet Marc fr
Kalt erwischt
32. Kalt erwischt
July 15, 2012
Matthieu kreuzt abends bei Alice auf und st
Kritik und Kreativit
31. Kritik und Kreativit
July 12, 2012
Alice macht sich weiter Sorgen um Marc und seine Erkrankung. Der hingegen verdr
Altes und neues Ungl
30. Altes und neues Ungl
July 11, 2012
Nach Hadriens Selbstmordversuch warten Natacha und ihre Gro
29. Wahrheiten
July 10, 2012
Nachdem Alice auf Wunsch von Barow die pers
Das neue Angebot
28. Das neue Angebot
July 9, 2012
Als Alice mitten in der Nacht bei Laetitia mit dem Schl
Der erste Tag
27. Der erste Tag
July 8, 2012
Alice hat ihren ersten Tag im neuen Job. Laetitia deckt sie derma
Ein neuer Trick
26. Ein neuer Trick
July 5, 2012
Alice bekommt Besuch von ihrer Mutter. Catherine sieht, dass es wirklich Zeit ist, sich mal wieder um ihre Tochter und die Enkel zu k
Wer zuletzt lacht
25. Wer zuletzt lacht
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Als Alice am n
24. Erwischt
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Alice erz
23. Deadline
July 2, 2012
Alice und Vincent wachen zusammen auf, werden aber von Hadrien erwischt, der vor seiner Schule doch noch zu Hause vorbei geht. In der Agentur wartet schon Laetitia. Sie gibt Alice den Auftrag, die Powereco - Kampagne f
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July 1, 2012
Marc stellt Lucas wegen der Mailintrige zur Rede und erf
Des R
21. Des R
June 28, 2012
Nach dem gemeinsamen Abend im BeLite begleitet Vincent Alice nach Hause. Als sie ihn nicht bei sich
Eine Hand w
20. Eine Hand w
June 27, 2012
Marc hat nur einen Tag Zeit, um Barow seine Unschuld zu beweisen. Er trifft sich mit Samira im BeLite und bittet sie, in der Agentur Augen und Ohren f
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Beim Fr
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18. Dicke Luft
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Alice f
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17. Turbulente Ereignisse
June 24, 2012
Vincent gesteht Marc, dass er sich in Alice verliebt hat. Dieser bittet die beiden in sein B
Wut im Bauch
16. Wut im Bauch
June 21, 2012
Alice hat von der Wette erfahren, bei der es darum ging, ob Vincent sie ins Bett bekommt oder nicht. Um sich Respekt zu verschaffen, versucht sie, Audrey und Lionel den Kopf zu waschen, was diese aber nur mit einem L
15. Wetteifer
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14. Ger
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Alice kommt nach ihrer Nacht im B
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13. Eine ereignisreiche Nacht
June 18, 2012
Alice und Vincent, die im Konferenzraum der Agentur eingeschlossen sind, beobachten, dass Lucas sich in Marcs B
Netter Feierabend
12. Netter Feierabend
June 17, 2012
Barow nimmt es Alice
11. Gelassenheit
March 25, 2016
The clock is ticking as Pritchard and Duval attempt to save Gracie from Connor and Otto's life-threatening experiment. Meanwhile, Mary does everything possible to try and unlock the code to save Pritchard's life before it's too late.
10. Geworfenheit
March 18, 2016
Pritchard and Duval continue to investigate Albert Lin's true identity and his involvement in a string of murders.
When You Have To Go There, They Have To Take You In
9. When You Have To Go There, They Have To Take You In
March 11, 2016
Pritchard and Duval team up to locate a serial killer, and Alexa and Connor try to acquire key technology from Lookinglass. Meanwhile, the connection between Mary and Pritchard intensifies, but Otto goes to great lengths to make sure Mary never leaves him.
May Old Acquaintance Be Forgot
8. May Old Acquaintance Be Forgot
March 4, 2016
Pritchard's past catches up with him. Two decades earlier, Pritchard covered up a murder committed by a drug lord's girlfriend, who happened to be his confidential informant at the time. Instead of choosing to stay clean, she has turned into a major drug dealer. So now, Pritchard must set things straight.
That Time in the Car
7. That Time in the Car
February 26, 2016
Pritchard's daughter is dating Wally, a parole officer he has a lot of history with. Much to the chagrin of Pritchard and Duval, they discover Wally is being blackmailed by a prisoner to carry out an elaborate prison break.
6. Palimpsest
February 19, 2016
Pritchard and Duval are determined to find a killer who mutilates and disfigures his victims before he strikes again. Meanwhile, as Pritchard and Mary grow increasingly close to one another, Otto becomes resentful and wants to find a new donor.
Scratch That Glitch
5. Scratch That Glitch
February 12, 2016
Mary's life is threatened when a dead pool predicts her death for the same day as a big Lookinglass product launch. Meanwhile, when Pritchard is needed the most, he falls short.
4. Admissions
February 5, 2016
Pritchard and Duval investigate a series of murders involving young prodigies, which are reminiscent of an old case. As the investigation unravels, Duval realizes that Pritchard could be his father reincarnated.
From Darkness, the Sun
3. From Darkness, the Sun
January 29, 2016
Pritchard tries to prove himself to Duval. Meanwhile, he and Duval confront a deadly psycho and another father-son duo that is out to cause trouble.
One More Notch
2. One More Notch
January 20, 2016
During the power surge that revived Pritchard, two killers escape from prison. Pritchard is on a manhunt to save the city he still believes is his to protect.
A Suitable Donor
1. A Suitable Donor
January 13, 2016
In the series premiere, a retired cop is given a second chance on life when he is brought back from the dead with a younger, stronger body.
Where to Watch Second Chance
Second Chance is available for streaming on the FOX website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Second Chance on demand at Amazon, Vudu, Google Play and Apple TV.
  • Premiere Date
    January 13, 2016
  • IMDB Rating
    7.4  (12,847)