Shark Exile

Watch Shark Exile

  • 1969

Shark Exile is a fascinating and intense show from Discovery. It follows veteran shark experts Greg Skomal and Jeremy Stafford as they embark on a daring mission to protect the residents and visitors of Cape Cod from the increasing number of great white shark attacks.

The show is set in Chatham, Massachusetts, a picturesque town on the southeastern coast of Cape Cod. Chatham has become a hot spot for great white sharks, and the residents are concerned about the safety of their families and friends.

Shark Exile takes us on a thrilling journey as Greg and Jeremy use innovative techniques to study the great white sharks in Cape Cod waters. They deploy various technologies ranging from underwater cameras, drones, and acoustic tags. Through their use of cutting-edge technology, they attempt to find answers as to why these sharks are increasingly frequenting these waters and how to mitigate the potential risk to humans.

The main goal of the show is to capture and tag as many sharks as possible. They employ several bait techniques to attract and capture the great whites, including using fake seals and tuna carcasses. Through their techniques, they are able to extract information on the sharks such as their size, age, habitat, and feeding patterns.

The show not only focuses on the science behind the shark attacks but also on the human aspect of the crisis. The production team interviews experts from different fields to get a holistic view of the shark crisis situation. They investigate the different factors that have contributed to the increasing number of shark attacks, ranging from the environment to human behavior.

The show also profiles the residents of Chatham who have been affected by shark attacks. They tell their stories of hardships and the psychological impact these attacks have had on them. Watching their struggles puts the audience in the shoes of the locals and connects them emotionally to the issue and the importance of addressing it.

The show portrays the great white sharks as both menacing and majestic. The close-up footage of the sharks, as well as the expert commentary, highlight the awe-inspiring nature of these creatures. At the same time, the threat that they present is not ignored or downplayed, the show takes an objective approach portraying the sharks as dangerous predators that need to be treated with caution and respect.

Through their research, Greg and Jeremy discover that one of the main factors contributing to the increasing number of shark attacks is the overfishing of the smaller sharks that the great whites feed on. As a result, the great whites are forced to take up residence in coastal waters with shallow waters, that leads to more interaction with humans.

The show takes a cautionary stance on the issue, emphasizing the importance of conserving the ecosystem that great whites depend upon to keep them from encroaching on human territory. The overarching message of the show is one of preservation — showcasing the need to balance the conservation of this magnificent species, and the protection of the human population.

In conclusion, Shark Exile is a thrilling and thought-provoking show that tackles the complex issue of shark attacks from various angles. It takes a balanced approach towards portraying the nature, science, and human dimension of the crisis. The show poses an essential question to viewers; Do we engage the great white sharks out of curiosity or appreciation and conservation, and what will be the implications of that choice on our ecosystem, people and the creatures that live within it?