Taxi Season 2 Episode 11
Season 2

Ep 11. Latka's Revolting

  • November 27, 1979
  • 24 min
  • 7.3  (128)

In the season 2 episode 11 of the show Taxi, entitled "Latka's Revolting," viewers are treated to yet another hilarious and heartwarming story from the colorful cast of characters that make up the Sunshine Cab Company. The episode centers around Latka Gravas, the loveable and quirky mechanic who works for the company, and his struggles with love and personal hygiene.

The episode begins with Latka meeting a beautiful woman named Louisa at a laundromat and falling head over heels in love with her. However, Louisa is put off by Latka's lack of personal hygiene and refuses to go out with him until he improves his appearance. Desperate to win her affections, Latka seeks advice from his friends at the cab company, including his boss Alex, the brassy Elaine, the sarcastic Tony, and the wise-cracking Jim. Together, they come up with a plan to help Latka become more attractive to Louisa and finally win her heart.

The plan involves a series of hilarious and outrageous makeovers, with each of Latka's friends taking turns trying to improve his appearance. Alex takes him to a fancy spa for a full body wax, Elaine gives him a new haircut, Tony teaches him how to dress like a ladies' man, and Jim gives him tips on how to be suave and charming. But despite their best efforts, Latka's hygiene problems persist, and Louisa continues to reject him.

Feeling dejected and hopeless, Latka decides to take matters into his own hands by launching a personal hygiene revolution. He begins by throwing out all of his old clothes and cleaning his apartment from top to bottom, then takes his mission out into the streets by handing out flyers and organizing a protest march. The response from the public is mixed, with some people embracing his message of cleanliness and others dismissing it as a fad.

Throughout the episode, viewers are treated to a series of hilarious and touching moments as they watch Latka struggle to win Louisa's heart while also trying to find his place in the world. There are several standout scenes, including one where Latka attempts to speak Spanish to impress Louisa and ends up reciting an entire menu in broken gibberish, and another where he leads a group of protesters into a restaurant and demands that the owner wash his hands before serving food.

Ultimately, the episode ends on a bittersweet note as Latka realizes that he may never be able to win Louisa's affection no matter how hard he tries. But even though he's heartbroken, he takes comfort in the knowledge that he's made a difference in the world by inspiring people to take better care of themselves and their surroundings. As he walks off into the sunset, the rest of the gang at the Sunshine Cab Company watches him fondly, knowing that he'll always be an important part of their family.

Overall, "Latka's Revolting" is a hilarious and heartwarming episode that showcases all of the best qualities of the show Taxi. With its zany cast of characters, sharp wit, and engaging storyline, it's a must-watch for fans of both classic sitcoms and quirky comedies alike.

Watch Taxi - Latka's Revolting (s2 e11) Online - Watch online anytime: Buy, Rent
Taxi, Season 2 Episode 11, is available to watch and stream on ABC. You can also buy, rent Taxi on demand at Amazon Prime online.
  • First Aired
    November 27, 1979
  • Runtime
    24 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.3  (128)