Watch The Shirley Temple Storybook Show in Color

  • 1960
  • 2 Seasons

The Shirley Temple Storybook Show in Color is a television program that aired in the United States on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) network from 1960 to 1961. The show was presented by the legendary child actress Shirley Temple who played different roles in each story. The show was a continuation of her earlier show, The Shirley Temple Storybook, which aired from 1958 to 1961 but this time was presented in color.

During each episode, Shirley Temple would tell a story, often one that had been adapted from a children's book. The stories were charming, whimsical, and engaging, making them perfect for kids of all ages. Shirley would often add her own touches to the stories, adding in songs and dances to make them even more lively and magical.

One of the standout features of the show was the incredible costumes and sets which were all designed in a way that transported viewers into a fairytale world. The costumes were colorful, intricate, and carefully crafted to bring the stories to life in a way viewers had never seen before.

Each episode of The Shirley Temple Storybook Show in Color was around 60 minutes long and generally featured one main story. However, there were certain episodes that featured more than one story, providing viewers with even more entertainment. Additionally, each episode was shot on location, ensuring that viewers were treated to breathtaking scenery throughout the show.

Despite the show being aimed at children, it was popular with audiences of all ages. Both children and adults alike were in awe of Shirley Temple's engaging performances, which kept viewers captivated and entertained throughout each episode. Her performances were so captivating that many viewers often forgot that they were watching a television show and felt as though they had been transported into the world of each tale.

Overall, The Shirley Temple Storybook Show in Color was a beautiful and engaging television program that captivated audiences with each and every episode. It's become a beloved classic and continues to be enjoyed by viewers of all ages. For those who grew up with the show, watching it is like taking a trip down memory lane - a reminder of a simpler time when television was pure and magical.

The Shirley Temple Storybook Show in Color is a series that is currently running and has 2 seasons (13 episodes). The series first aired on September 18, 1960.

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Little Men
3. Little Men
October 23, 1960
Professor Fritz Bhaer and his wife Jo operate the exclusive Plumfield School for Boys.All goes well until the arrival of Dan Baker - a lad's who's in the habit of running away from home. Bonus episode in original black and white.
2. Onawandah
February 12, 1961
Onawandah, a small Indian lad, makes his way into a Puritan settlement in search of shelter. A nervous guard shoots the youth, who is carried to the home of widow Emily Winters for medical attention. Emily and her son Daniel plan to nurse the boy to his health, but the other settlers are opposed to having a heathen among them. Bonus episode in original black and white.
The Little Mermaid
1. The Little Mermaid
March 5, 1961
Classic story by Hans Christen Anderson about a mermaid that is willing to give up her soul to be able to be human.
Where to Watch The Shirley Temple Storybook Show in Color
The Shirley Temple Storybook Show in Color is available for streaming on the ABC website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch The Shirley Temple Storybook Show in Color on demand at Amazon.
  • Premiere Date
    September 18, 1960