Watch What Happens: Live Season 10 Episode 76

Ep 76. Johnny Knoxville & Rosie Perez

  • TV-14
  • October 24, 2013

Watch What Happens: Live is a popular late-night talk show hosted by the charming and vivacious Andy Cohen. In Season 10, Episode 76, the atmosphere is buzzing with anticipation as Johnny Knoxville and Rosie Perez take the hot seat and join Andy for an unpredictable and entertaining evening.

Johnny Knoxville, renowned for his role as the creator and star of the wildly successful television series and film franchise "Jackass," is no stranger to extreme and sometimes outrageous stunts. With his charming Southern charm and mischievous personality, Johnny is sure to captivate the audience with his anecdotes and experiences from his career as a daredevil.

On the other hand, Rosie Perez, the multi-talented actress, dancer, and activist, adds a touch of elegance and finesse to the show. Known for her remarkable performances in films like "White Men Can't Jump" and "Fearless," Rosie's charismatic presence promises to bring a different flavor to the conversation.

As the episode kicks off, Andy wastes no time delving into the lives and careers of his two intriguing guests. Viewers can expect a wide range of topics, including Johnny's most memorable and dangerous stunts and Rosie's incredible journey as an actress in Hollywood. With Andy's expertise in spilling the tea, fans can look forward to intriguing revelations, untold stories, and behind-the-scenes secrets.

Throughout the show, Andy engages both Johnny and Rosie in various exciting segments that keep the energy high and the laughter contagious. From the thrilling game "Plead the Fifth," where guests are challenged to answer difficult and controversial questions, to the hilarious "Clubhouse Playhouse," where Andy and his guests reenact iconic moments from pop culture, this episode is packed with unforgettable moments.

While the focus is primarily on Johnny and Rosie, Andy also keeps the atmosphere lively by engaging with the live audience and interacting with viewers who call in or join the conversation through social media. These interactions provide an opportunity for fans to participate directly in the show, making for an engaging and interactive experience.

As the episode progresses, viewers can also anticipate surprise appearances from other celebrity guests who might pop in to join the fun. It's not uncommon for Watch What Happens: Live to feature surprise cameos, adding an element of spontaneity and excitement to the show.

In addition to the guest interviews and entertaining segments, the episode showcases performances by talented musicians or comedians, giving audience members and viewers at home a chance to enjoy live entertainment.

Ultimately, Season 10, Episode 76 of Watch What Happens: Live is sure to keep viewers at the edge of their seats with its lively banter, hilarious segments, and captivating guest interactions. Whether it's hearing outrageous stories from Johnny Knoxville or gaining insights into Rosie Perez's illustrious career, there's never a dull moment on this late-night talk show. So grab your popcorn, settle in, and get ready for a night of unfiltered entertainment, laughter, and surprises.

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  • First Aired
    October 24, 2013
  • Content Rating
  • Language