Watch What Happens: Live Season 12 Episode 36

Ep 36. Jane Lynch & Josh Duhamel

  • TV-14
  • February 25, 2015

Jane Lynch & Josh Duhamel join host Andy Cohen on this exciting episode of Watch What Happens Live. As two dynamic and accomplished actors, both Jane and Josh have had incredible careers in the entertainment industry, and tonight they share their experiences and insights with Andy and the audience.

Jane Lynch, known for her iconic role as Sue Sylvester in the hit TV show Glee, is an Emmy and Golden Globe-winning actress. She has a captivating presence both on and off the screen and has become a beloved figure in the industry. Jane has brought unique characters to life in various films and TV shows throughout her career, showcasing her versatility as an actress. Tonight, she discusses her journey in the industry, the challenges she has faced, and the projects she is currently working on.

Josh Duhamel, a talented actor and former fashion model, has made a significant impact in both film and television. He gained recognition for his role as Danny McCoy in the TV series Las Vegas and later starred in blockbuster films such as the Transformers franchise. Josh's charm and charisma have made him a fan-favorite, and tonight he engages in an entertaining conversation with Andy about his experiences in Hollywood and his latest endeavors.

Throughout the episode, Jane and Josh participate in various segments and games, adding an extra layer of excitement to the show. They engage in candid discussions, answering questions from fans and sharing amusing anecdotes. Andy keeps the energy high with his quick wit and incisive interviewing style, creating a lively and entertaining atmosphere.

One of the highlights of this episode is the infamous "Plead the Fifth" segment. The guests are given a chance to avoid answering one out of three intriguing and sometimes direct questions. With Jane Lynch's sharp sense of humor and quick thinking, it is sure to be a thrilling segment for the viewers. Josh Duhamel, known for his candid nature, may surprise the audience with his honest and unfiltered responses.

Additionally, the show features engaging conversations about the latest happenings in the entertainment industry. Jane Lynch and Josh Duhamel share their thoughts on current trends, news, and pop culture, providing their unique perspectives as seasoned actors. From discussing upcoming projects to commenting on recent headlines, their insights offer a fascinating glimpse into the world of celebrity.

As always, Andy Cohen skillfully navigates the conversation, creating an open dialogue and welcoming atmosphere. His ability to elicit interesting and entertaining stories from his guests ensures that the audience remains captivated throughout the episode. Andy's signature charm and warmth shine through as he effortlessly guides the discussion while keeping the mood light and fun.

In conclusion, this episode of Watch What Happens Live with Jane Lynch and Josh Duhamel promises an engaging and enjoyable experience for viewers. With their immense talent and magnetic personalities, Jane and Josh bring their A-game to the show, sharing anecdotes, answering questions, and providing insight into the world of showbiz. Andy Cohen's skilled hosting and the show's exciting segments make this a must-watch for fans of all three individuals and anyone interested in the glitz and glamour of Hollywood.

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  • First Aired
    February 25, 2015
  • Content Rating
  • Language