Webster Season 1 Episode 13
Season 1

Ep 13. Don't Jump George

  • Not Rated
  • December 23, 1983
  • 24 min
  •   (18)

Webster season 1 episode 13, titled "Don't Jump George," takes viewers on an emotional journey as the lovable title character navigates a difficult situation. In this heartwarming episode, Webster and his adoptive family face a crisis that tests their strength, patience, and love for one another.

The episode begins with George Papadopolis (Webster's adoptive father) feeling overwhelmed and exhausted from his demanding job as a sportswriter. Seemingly overwhelmed by the pressures of life, George starts to question his purpose and contemplate making a drastic decision. Concerned for her husband's well-being, Katherine (Webster's adoptive mother) does everything in her power to help George through this challenging time.

Throughout the episode, we witness the entire family rallying together to support George and remind him of the love and joy that surrounds him. Webster, with his childlike innocence and wisdom beyond his years, becomes an instrumental figure in George's journey to find solace and a renewed sense of purpose.

As Webster learns about George's struggles, he takes it upon himself to devise a plan to help his dad regain his cheerfulness and zest for life. With the assistance of his best friend, Jerry, and his classmates Clark and Donnelly, Webster sets out to organize a surprise "Fun Day" for George. Together, they brainstorm ideas that will remind George of the joyous moments and activities he used to cherish.

As the community gets wind of the special occasion, they come together to support Webster's heartwarming initiative. Grateful for the outpouring of love, George slowly begins to realize the impact he has on the people around him and how much he is truly valued. This realization allows George to see that life is filled with happiness and worth living.

Throughout the planning process, Webster's adoptive parents witness his determination and maturity, which shifts their focus from George's struggles to Webster's incredible growth. They are reminded of how lucky they are to have him in their lives.

During the surprise event, the neighborhood comes together to celebrate George, providing him with love, laughter, and an opportunity to rediscover himself. Their efforts allow George to remember the importance of family, community, and embracing joy in even the most challenging times.

This emotional rollercoaster of an episode showcases the power of love, unity, and the ability of one small boy to make a significant impact on those around him. "Don't Jump George" serves as a reminder to viewers that life's challenges can be overcome with the support of loved ones and the faith that brighter days lie ahead.

As the episode concludes, George rediscovers his purpose and finds renewed strength. With his family by his side, he realizes the importance of cherishing each precious moment and facing adversity with determination. This pivotal episode in Webster's inaugural season leaves audiences feeling uplifted, inspired, and grateful for the bonds of love and family.

In "Don't Jump George," Webster delivers a powerful message about resilience, compassion, and the transformative power of support. Through Webster's innocence and unwavering determination, the Papadopolis family and the community are reminded that even in the darkest moments, there is always hope and reasons to carry on. Tune in to experience the heartfelt journey of George and his family as they navigate life's challenges and triumphs, ultimately emerging stronger and more united than ever before.

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Webster, Season 1 Episode 13, is available to watch free on Pluto TV and stream on Shout Factory. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Webster on demand at Amazon Prime, Amazon, Google Play online.
  • First Aired
    December 23, 1983
  • Content Rating
    Not Rated
  • Runtime
    24 min
  • Language