Iris, the Happy Professor

Watch Iris, the Happy Professor

  • 2012
  • 1 Season
  • 7.5  (39)

This quirky and hilarious storyline is about a professor, named Iris, who is incredibly smart. While the professor's intelligence is an asset, the oddities of the character, such as large clothing items, a high-pitched talking piano, a life-sized skeleton and more turn the classroom into a laugh room.

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The Voice
52. The Voice
May 7, 2012
There are so many different kinds of voices.., high, low, young, old. Your voice helps you talk and whisper and sing. But what happens when you lose your voice? Ms. Principal finds out, right on the day of her big singing concert!
I Play Dress-Up
51. I Play Dress-Up
May 7, 2012
What happens when you put on a costume? Or a wig? Or a mask? Lots of fun, as Professor iris and the gang find out when they have a costume party.
50. Dogs
May 7, 2012
Professor Iris is dog-sitting and brings his cousin's dog, Bruno to class with him. Bruno helps the gang learn about dogs... and gives Ms. Principal for a good run for her money!
49. Eggs
May 7, 2012
They come in all sizes and colors... and they don't only come from birds! Some of them have baby animals in them and others are good to eat.
48. Evergreens
May 7, 2012
An episode with a Christmas theme. Professor iris and the gang decorate a Christmas tree and learn about other kinds of trees and bushes known as evergreens.
47. Insects
May 7, 2012
Skeleton starts a moth colony, which leads to all kinds of problems... and to a lesson on insects! While Ms. Principal worries about her moth-eaten clothes and Skeleton tries to find a solution, Professor Iris talks about other members of the insect family.
The Kite
46. The Kite
May 7, 2012
Skeleton loses his favorite kite to the wind, so Professor Iris and the gang help him make another one. In the process, they learn all about how kites are made... and especially what fun they are!
45. Volcanoes
May 7, 2012
Professor Iris chooses a very hot subject for today's lesson! We see how volcanoes erupt and find out that sometimes they sleep. A little volcano appears in the classroom and Ms. Principal gets into quite an uproar!
44. Flowers
May 7, 2012
It's Plant's birthday and the class decides to celebrate by decorating the room with flowers. They learn about all of Plant's relatives, follow the life of a flower from seed to bloom... and discover a very unusual flower right in their classroom!
The Farm
43. The Farm
May 7, 2012
A trip to the farm, to see what the farmer does every day. So many good things come from the farm... fruits and vegetables, milk and eggs..: the gang stops to have a picnic!
Jungle Animals
42. Jungle Animals
May 7, 2012
The gang goes off on a photo safari.., to the jungle! They discover lions and monkeys and zebras and elephants. And much to her surprise, Ms. Principal discovers a snake!
41. Minerals
May 7, 2012
Ms. Principal shares her rock collection with Professor Iris and his students and they all learn about minerals.., what they are, where they come from and what they're used for.
40. Photography
May 7, 2012
Professor Iris' vacation photos inspire a lesson on photography. Sometimes the best way to learn is by doing, so everyone takes pictures of their favorite things to show each other.
39. Cars
May 7, 2012
Professor Iris, Ms. Principal and the gang fix up a really great- looking car right in the classroom, and find out all about cars at the same time.
Why Do I Cry?
38. Why Do I Cry?
May 7, 2012
Sometimes it's because we're sad, other times because we're happy. Babies cry when they're tired or hungry. And even onions can make us cry when we peel them! We all cry at some time or another and for different reasons.
37. Horses
May 7, 2012
Professor Iris brings his horse to school and we learn all about these beautiful and helpful animals. Ms. Principal even goes for a ride!
36. Vacations
May 7, 2012
Everyone in Professor Iris' class has an idea about where to spend the school holidays... if only they could agree! After discussing each person's fantasy vacation, they finally come up with a great plan to please everybody.
The Telephone
35. The Telephone
May 7, 2012
It seems like the telephone just won't stop ringing in Professor Iris' classroom today, so he and his students decide to learn all about telephones... where they came from and what they're used for.
34. Elephants
May 7, 2012
Professor Iris and his students learn all about these friendly giants when a baby elephant escapes from the circus and comes to visit their classroom.
33. Hair
May 7, 2012
A hair-raising episode! When Ms. Principal tries to find a new hairstyle, everyone ends up looking ducky! Long or short, red or brown... it doesn't matter what your hair looks like, as long as it looks like you.
Flying Machines
32. Flying Machines
May 7, 2012
What goes up, comes down, and has Professor Iris and his students soaring through their lesson? Hot air balloons, airplanes, rocket ships and all manner of flying machines!
31. Trains
May 7, 2012
All aboard the Professor Iris express! Iris and his students play train and go on an exciting train trip. They see cities, country sides, the seaside and of course... lots of other trains!
30. Bees
May 7, 2012
Ms. Principal goes to a costume ball dressed as a Queen Bee, which inspires a lesson about these fascinating creatures. They live in beehives, take care of Queen Bee's eggs and make delicious honey that we can eat in all sorts of ways!
29. Laughter
May 7, 2012
It seems like the more Professor Iris and the gang laugh, the more they want to laugh. It's contagious! Why are they laughing? There are all sorts of reasons...
28. Seashells
May 7, 2012
Once the homes of ocean creatures, seashells come in all shapes and sizes. We can make things out of them... we can even hear the sound of ocean waves by putting them to our ear!
27. Butterflies
May 7, 2012
They start out as caterpillars and turn into colorful winged creatures called butterflies! How do they do it?
The Earth and the Sky
26. The Earth and the Sky
May 7, 2012
We find out about our planet earth and what it looks like from far away. Then we look up into the sky to see the moon, the sun and the stars!
25. Time
May 7, 2012
As time goes by... we have morning, afternoon, evening and night. What are the things we do at all these different times of the day? We also discover some of the things we use to tell time, like clocks and watches.
24. Trees
May 7, 2012
An expert on trees, Plant tells us everything there is to know about these majestic monuments. We find out that trees are not only beautiful, they're useful too!
Why Do We Sleep?
23. Why Do We Sleep?
May 7, 2012
After all the things we do during the day, everyone needs to sleep... even animals! Professor Iris shows us what helps him go to sleep, and tells us why it's so important to get lots of rest.
22. Birds
May 7, 2012
They're all so different... and they're all called birds. They're swallows and ducks, flamingos and ostriches. Discover birds of all shapes and sizes.
Baby Animals
21. Baby Animals
May 7, 2012
Miniature versions of some of our favorite animals... the babies! We find out where they come from, how their mothers take care of them and what each of them are called.
Music, Song, and Dance
20. Music, Song, and Dance
May 7, 2012
Iris and the gang make some music, which makes them want to sing, which makes them want to dance, and before you know it... it's a music, song and dance party!
Drawing and Painting
19. Drawing and Painting
May 7, 2012
What happens when Iris and his students get out their pencils, paper, crayons, paints and brushes? A lot of artistic fun... and some pretty good artwork too!
The Ocean
18. The Ocean
May 7, 2012
Let's take a trip to the beach! We'll sit by the ocean and catch some sun, go on the ocean in a boat or two, and go into the ocean to visit our friends the fish!
Why Do We Eat?
17. Why Do We Eat?
May 7, 2012
Everyone needs to eat... animals, people... even plants! We talk about some of the things we eat and how they help us stay healthy and strong.
16. Nature
May 7, 2012
All the wonderful and beautiful elements of nature! They are very precious, and we learn things we can do to take care of them.
15. Houses
May 7, 2012
We take a tour of the different rooms in a house, to see what we do in each one. Then we take off around the world, to see the different kinds of houses people live in.
Animals and Their Homes
14. Animals and Their Homes
May 7, 2012
Where do birds and beavers, monkeys and bears live? Some animals make their own homes, and some depend on us for shelter.
13. Sports
May 7, 2012
Iris and his students demonstrate team sports like football, basketball and hockey. ..and individual sports like skating, skiing and surfing. Lots of fun ways to stay in shape!
The Cow
12. The Cow
May 7, 2012
Meet our friend the cow and her family. Cows come in all colours, and they give us something wonderful... milk! Lots of yummy things we eat are made from milk!
Hot and Cold
11. Hot and Cold
May 7, 2012
Hot chocolate is is summer. An ice cube is is winter. How do we protect ourselves from hot and cold?
10. Animals
May 7, 2012
What are some of the animals we can have at home as pets? When we go to the farm... we find a whole new assortment of animals!
The Five Senses
9. The Five Senses
May 7, 2012
Sight, Smell, Taste, Touch, and Hearing... five ways in which we discover the world around us.
Fruits and Vegetables
8. Fruits and Vegetables
May 7, 2012
A tour of the garden and the orchard, to see all the things that grow there. What are some of the good things we can make from these gifts of nature?
7. Cleanliness
May 7, 2012
Why do we wash ourselves? To be clean, of course! We use soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, showers, bathtubs, shampoo... and we feel so good afterwards!
6. Shapes
May 7, 2012
Squares, circles, rectangles and triangles.., what things do you know that are shaped like this?
Big and Small
5. Big and Small
May 7, 2012
Elephants are big... ants are small. A hippopotomus is heavy, a feather is light. We also learn about fat and thin, and that's the long and short of it!
4. Colours
May 7, 2012
What do you know that's red? Blue? Green? How do we mix colours to get other colours? When we see all the colours together in the sky, it's called a rainbow!
The Seasons
3. The Seasons
May 7, 2012
Spring, summer, autumn and winter.., the characteristics of each season, and some of the fun things we can do during each one.
The Apple
2. The Apple
May 7, 2012
The story of the apple, from seed to tree. And let's not forget all the yummy things we can make from apples when they come off the tree!
Hands and Feet
1. Hands and Feet
May 7, 2012
What are some of the things we do with our hands and feet? How do we take care of them? What do we wear on them?
  • Premiere Date
    May 7, 2012
  • IMDB Rating
    7.5  (39)
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