Pregnancy for Dummies

Watch Pregnancy for Dummies

  • 2002
  • 1 Season

Introduction Pregnancy is a special journey that brings new experiences and challenges in a woman's life. Discovery Health introduces Pregnancy for Dummies which is a 6-episode series that follows soon-to-be moms from conception to delivery. The show features experts in pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting, as well as real-life stories from women who have experienced pregnancy.

Episode 1: Conception

The first episode of Pregnancy for Dummies covers the process of conceiving a child. The episode features experts who discuss the various factors that can affect a woman's ability to conceive, such as age, health, and lifestyle. The episode also explores the different methods of conception, including natural conception, fertility treatments, and in vitro fertilization.

Episode 2: The First Trimester

The second episode of Pregnancy for Dummies focuses on the first trimester of pregnancy. During the first trimester, a woman's body undergoes significant changes as it prepares to support the growing fetus. The episode discusses the symptoms and side effects of early pregnancy, such as morning sickness, fatigue, and mood swings. It also covers important prenatal care, including prenatal vitamins, exercise, and regular check-ups with a healthcare provider.

Episode 3: The Second Trimester

The third episode of Pregnancy for Dummies explores the second trimester of pregnancy. This trimester marks a period of growth for the developing fetus and changes in the expectant mother's body. The episode discusses prenatal testing and screenings, as well as the different types of prenatal classes that can help women prepare for childbirth. Experts also offer advice on managing common symptoms of the second trimester, such as heartburn and constipation.

Episode 4: The Third Trimester

The fourth episode of Pregnancy for Dummies focuses on the third trimester of pregnancy. During this time, the fetus continues to grow and prepare for delivery, and the expectant mother's body undergoes additional changes. The episode covers various topics related to third-trimester pregnancy, including preparing for labor and delivery, breastfeeding, and postpartum care. It also explores the various options for childbirth, including natural birth, epidurals, and C-sections.

Episode 5: Labor and Delivery

The fifth episode of Pregnancy for Dummies covers the labor and delivery process. Experts discuss the different stages of labor and offer advice on how to manage pain and discomfort. The episode also explores the various options for childbirth, including natural birth, labor induction, and C-sections. Real-life stories from women who have experienced childbirth are also shared.

Episode 6: The Fourth Trimester

The final episode of Pregnancy for Dummies focuses on the postpartum period, also known as the fourth trimester. This period marks a time of adjustment for new parents and their newborn. The episode covers various topics related to the postpartum period, such as breastfeeding, sleep, and postpartum depression. Experts offer advice on how to care for a newborn, including diaper changes, feeding, and sleeping. The episode also explores the emotional and physical changes that new mothers may experience during this time.


Pregnancy for Dummies is an informative and engaging series that covers all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. The series provides important information and advice for expectant mothers and their partners, as well as insight into the experiences of real women. The series offers a comprehensive look at pregnancy and childbirth, from conception to the postpartum period. Overall, Pregnancy for Dummies is a must-watch for anyone expecting a child or interested in learning more about pregnancy and childbirth.

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First Three Months of Life
4. First Three Months of Life
April 21, 2002
Pregnancy for Dummies: The First Three Months provides an entertaining and informative journey through the first weeks after delivery. It demystifies the whole process of parenthood by answering all the questions new parents might have in a fun and reassuring way. This program takes us into the busy OB/GYN practice of Drs. Joanne Stone and Keith Eddleman, authors of the book Pregnancy for Dummies, to meet some real-life couples who have just given birth. Judi and Jeff, who had a cesarean delivery and gave birth to a baby girl, adjust to parenthood with relative ease. Noreen and David, who are also proud new parents of a baby girl, find the adjustment a little more difficult - especially with Noreen going through some post pardum blues. Kayla and Bud gave birth to a boy and learn shortly after they get home that he has jaundice. Abigail and Isaac just delivered boy number three, and face the decision of whether or not to have him circumcised. And Nan and Chris, first time parents, learn to deal with life now that their new baby girl has turned their schedule upside down and Nan makes the change from career woman to full time mom. With the expert guidance of Drs. Stone and Eddleman, the program explains what to expect the first few days in the hospital and once parents go home with their new bundle of joy. From feeding to changing diapers, the documentary also gives tips to new parents on how to deal with some of the body and life changes they'll experience.
Third Trimester
3. Third Trimester
April 21, 2002
Pregnancy for Dummies: The Third Trimester provides an entertaining and informative journey through the final weeks of pregnancy. It demystifies the very mystical process of pregnancy and delivery by answering all the questions an expectant couple might have in a fun and reassuring way. This program takes us into the busy OB/GYN practice of Drs. Joanne Stone and Keith Eddleman, authors of the book Pregnancy for Dummies, to meet some real-life couples who have just started their third trimester and are preparing for labor. Renee, who first appeared in the second trimester show, is still coping with her fears of labor pain, but fortunately, her mom is around to reassure her that everything will be fine. Judi and Jeff, also from the second trimester show, learned to cope with Judi's gestational diabetes like pros and are now focusing on activities like Lamaze class to prepare for labor. As Stephanie and Mike get closer to delivery, Stephanie begins to feel more overwhelmed about having a second child. And Kayla and Bud, first time parents, are trying to prevent pre-term labor from occurring - something for which Kayla is at risk. This episode follows these couples as they experience body changes, doctor visits and preparations for labor like childbirth classes and hospital tours. And we also follow them through the pinnacle of pregnancy - labor and delivery.
Second Trimester
2. Second Trimester
April 21, 2002
Pregnancy for Dummies: The Second Trimester provides an entertaining and informative journey through weeks 13 to 26 of pregnancy. It demystifies the very mystical process of pregnancy by answering all the questions an expectant couple might have in a fun and reassuring way. This program takes us into the busy OB/GYN practice of Drs. Joanne Stone and Keith Eddleman, authors of the book Pregnancy for Dummies, to meet some real-life couples who have just started their second trimester. Renee and Sean are pregnant with their first child and while Renee experiences her share of mood swings and fears about labor, she, her husband and her mother are really enjoying the second trimester. Judi and Jeff are also first time parents-to-be, and have discovered that Judi has developed gestational diabetes, a form of diabetes specific to pregnant women. Stephanie and Mike are having their second child and as far as Stephanie is concerned, she'd rather skip the whole process of pregnancy and get right to giving birth. Robyn and Steve are back - and now that Robyn has successfully made it through the first trimester she's feeling much better and is ready to face a routine second trimester test - the AFP. This episode follows these couples as they encounter happy second trimester events like baby's first movements, the twenty week ultrasound and shopping for the baby.
First Trimester
1. First Trimester
April 21, 2002
Pregnancy for Dummies: The First Trimester provides an entertaining and informative journey through the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. It demystifies the very mystical process of pregnancy by answering all the questions an expectant couple might have in a fun and reassuring way. This program takes us into the busy OB/GYN practice of Drs. Joanne Stone and Keith Eddleman, authors of the book Pregnancy for Dummies, to meet some real-life couples who have just discovered they're pregnant. Robyn and Steve are pregnant with their second child and as Robyn deals with the physical symptoms of the first trimester, she must also care for her active 2 year old. Meanwhile, Carolyn and Herb are pregnant with twins, the first children for a couple who have spent the last ten years trying to become parents - needless to say, they're a little nervous. And Veronica is on baby number three, but even now there are some things about pregnancy that surprise her - like how fast her waistline is expanding this time around. This episode follows these couples as they encounter their first OB appointment, prenatal testing, ultrasounds and all the body changes and worries that go along with being pregnant. With the expert guidance of Drs. Stone and Eddleman, the program explains everything that the couples go through and gives tips to expectant parents on how to deal with some of the changes they'll experience in the first three months of pregnancy.
  • Premiere Date
    April 21, 2002