Bat Masterson Season 1 Episode 22
Bat Masterson
Season 1

Ep 22. Incident in Leadville

  • March 18, 1959
  • 25 min
  • 7.8  (43)

Bat Masterson season 1 episode 22, titled "Incident in Leadville," follows the renowned lawman Bat Masterson as he travels to the mining town of Leadville. In this episode, we see Bat at the height of his powers and skill as he intervenes in a conflict between two rival mining camps.

As Bat enters Leadville, he finds himself in the middle of a heated dispute between two rival mining camps. The conflict is centered around a valuable vein of silver running through the mines. One camp, led by the charismatic and ruthless miner, Ross Lawson, wants to extract as much silver as possible every day. The other camp, led by a more cautious and methodical miner named John Norton, wants to slowly and carefully extract the silver to prevent the mine from collapsing. The conflict between the two camps has reached a boiling point, with both sides resorting to violence to achieve their goals.

Bat quickly finds himself drawn into the conflict when Norton's son, who is being held captive by Lawson's thugs, is rescued by Bat. Norton is grateful to Bat for rescuing his son and asks him to help mediate the conflict. Bat, seeing the potential for bloodshed and disaster, agrees to help.

As Bat begins his investigation, he quickly realizes that the conflict is much more complex than a simple disagreement over mining techniques. The conflict is rooted in personal grudges and greed. Lawson sees Norton as a threat to his power, while Norton sees Lawson as reckless and dangerous. The miners are divided into two factions, each fiercely loyal to their leader.

Bat's investigation leads him to discover that both sides have hired gunmen to enforce their will. The gunmen are the source of much of the violence. Bat realizes that he must find a way to disarm both sides to prevent a full-scale war.

The tension continues to build as the two sides prepare for a final showdown. Bat, however, has a plan. He sets up a meeting between Norton and Lawson to negotiate a peace agreement. He convinces both sides that they would be better off working together than fighting.

The negotiations are tense, and it looks like the talks might break down. However, Bat uses his reputation and skill as a mediator to persuade both sides to make concessions and find common ground. In the end, a peace agreement is reached, and the two sides agree to work together to extract the silver slowly and carefully, as Norton had suggested.

As the episode comes to a close, Bat leaves Leadville, proud of the peace he has achieved. However, he knows that in the Wild West, such peace is often short-lived. He realizes that he must be ever-vigilant and ready to act when his skills and reputation as a lawman are needed.

Overall, Bat Masterson season 1 episode 22 is a thrilling and action-packed episode that showcases the skill and intelligence of Bat Masterson as a lawman. The episode's themes of greed and violence are still relevant today, making it a timeless classic of the western genre.

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Bat Masterson, Season 1 Episode 22, is available to watch free on Pluto TV and stream on NBC. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Bat Masterson on demand at Apple TV Channels online.
  • First Aired
    March 18, 1959
  • Runtime
    25 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.8  (43)