Crossing Jordan Season 1 Episode 20
Crossing Jordan
Season 1

Ep 20. The Gift of Life

  • TV-14
  • April 15, 2002
  • 44 min
  • 7.9  (141)

The episode "The Gift of Life" from season 1 of Crossing Jordan follows the medical examiner Dr. Jordan Cavanaugh and her team as they investigate a murder case involving a young woman named Carly. When Carly's body is brought in for autopsy, Jordan suspects foul play as the victim had no signs of struggle and inhales a large amount of helium before dying.

Jordan and her team soon discover that Carly was a surrogate mother and had given birth to a baby for a wealthy couple, the Washburns. As they continue their investigation, they learn that Carly had planned to keep the baby and raise it on her own, but the Washburns wanted to take the child away from her.

As Jordan and her team dig deeper into the case, they uncover a sinister plot involving the Washburns and their desperate desire for a child. In the end, justice is served, but not without emotional turmoil for those involved.

Throughout the episode, there are emotional and dramatic moments as Jordan deals with the difficult subject matter of surrogacy and the lengths some people will go to have a child. The episode also touches on themes of motherhood, family, and the value of human life.

Overall, "The Gift of Life" is a gripping and heart-wrenching episode of Crossing Jordan that explores the complexities of surrogacy and the importance of justice and morality in the face of difficult situations.

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  • First Aired
    April 15, 2002
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    44 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.9  (141)