Days of Our Lives Season 56 Episode 52
Days of Our Lives
Season 56

Ep 52. Tuesday, December 1, 2020

  • December 1, 2020

The episode of Days of Our Lives, airing on Tuesday, December 1, 2020, promises to be another exciting installment in the long-running soap opera's latest season. As always, the show will be exploring the many personal and professional dramas that collide and intertwine in the fictional town of Salem, as its residents struggle with love, loss, betrayal, and redemption.

One key storyline that will be explored in this episode revolves around Ciara, the newly-wed wife of former bad boy Ben Weston. Ciara has been missing for some time now, and her husband has been frantically searching for her, fearing the worst. In this episode, Ben will receive news that could potentially change everything - but will it be good or bad news? Fans of the show are sure to be on the edge of their seats as this drama unfolds.

Another major plotline in this episode will focus on the character of Chloe Lane, a fan-favorite who has been a part of the show for many seasons. She has recently been involved with a new love interest, but things have been complicated by the fact that her former flame, Philip Kiriakis, has returned to town. In this episode, Chloe will face a difficult decision: should she follow her heart and pursue a relationship with her new beau, or give in to her lingering feelings for Philip? As always, nothing is ever easy in Salem.

Meanwhile, the show will also be exploring the tensions that exist between several other characters, including Tripp Dalton and Charlie Dale. The two men have been at odds for some time now, with Charlie secretly harboring feelings for Tripp's former flame, Allie Horton. In this episode, viewers can expect to see these tensions boil over, as the two men confront each other in a highly charged scene that will leave fans wanting more.

Of course, no episode of Days of Our Lives would be complete without some juicy romance, and this installment of the show will deliver in spades. Several characters will find themselves in unexpected situations, as love blossoms in unexpected places. Will any of these new relationships stand the test of time, or will they ultimately fizzle out? Fans will have to tune in to find out!

Overall, this episode promises to be another thrilling chapter in the ongoing saga of Salem and its residents. As always, the show will be exploring themes of love, loss, and redemption, as its characters navigate the complexities of life and relationships in a small town. Whether you're a longtime fan of the show or a newcomer to the world of Days of Our Lives, you won't want to miss this exciting episode, airing on Tuesday, December 1, 2020.

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  • First Aired
    December 1, 2020
  • Language