School Rumble Season 2 Episode 4
School Rumble
Season 2

Ep 4. Theatrical Ideas! Bath House Ideas! Rice Ball Ideas!

  • TVPG
  • April 23, 2006
  • 1440 min

In this episode of School Rumble season 2, titled "Theatrical Ideas! Bath House Ideas! Rice Ball Ideas!", the students of class 2-C are tasked with coming up with ideas for their upcoming school festival. The girls of the class are especially excited as they plan to host a "hot springs" theme while the boys have decided on a rice ball stand.

Harima and Tenma, two of the main characters in the show, are both in charge of the school play for the festival. However, they cannot agree on what kind of play to put on. Harima wants to do a samurai play while Tenma wants to do a romance play. Their disagreements lead to chaos during rehearsals and they eventually realize that they cannot compromise on their ideas. So, they decide to each create their own play and let the students decide which one they want to perform at the festival.

Meanwhile, the girls of 2-C are brainstorming ideas for their hot springs theme. Eri, one of the popular girls in the class, suggests they actually build a bath house on the school grounds. However, they soon realize that building a bath house is not as easy as it sounds and they struggle to come up with a feasible plan. Mikoto, another girl in the class, suggests they create a "fake" hot springs experience by using a small inflatable pool and heating up some water. The girls are initially hesitant but soon warm up to the idea.

The boys of the class, on the other hand, are more focused on their rice ball stand. They plan to make unique and creative rice balls to sell at the festival. However, they soon realize that their ideas are not as easy to execute as they thought. They struggle with creating rice balls that taste good and are visually appealing. To make matters worse, they realize that they are running out of time and need to come up with a plan fast if they want to succeed at the festival.

As the day of the festival draws closer, the students of 2-C work hard to make their ideas come to life. The boys work tirelessly on their rice balls while the girls pull together their bath house idea. Harima and Tenma's plays are both a hit with the students and they end up deciding to combine both ideas for the final performance.

Overall, this episode showcases the struggles that come with planning a school festival. The students of 2-C learn that creating unique and creative ideas is only the beginning. They also need to work hard to execute their plans and make sure they are successful at the festival. As the episode ends, the students are exhausted but also proud of what they have accomplished.

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  • First Aired
    April 23, 2006
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    1440 min
  • Language