Wizard Barristers Season 1 Episode 2

Ep 2. Hard Case

  • TV-14
  • January 19, 2014
  • 24 min

In Wizard Barristers season 1 episode 2, titled "Hard Case," the main character, Cecil Sudo, takes on a particularly challenging case involving a man named Makusu who has been accused of using dark magic to murder his wife. Cecil is hesitant to take on the case at first because she knows that defending someone accused of using dark magic is risky business. However, she ultimately decides to take the case because she believes that everyone deserves a fair trial.

Cecil sets out to investigate Makusu's case and discovers that there may be more to the story than meets the eye. She learns that Makusu's wife, who was a talented wizard, had become wrapped up in a dangerous group that used dark magic for their own gain. Cecil suspects that Makusu's wife may have been involved in something shady and may have been killed by her own allies.

As Cecil delves deeper into the case, she comes up against powerful players in the wizarding world who are working hard to keep the truth hidden. She must navigate treacherous political waters and face off against dangerous adversaries in order to get to the bottom of what really happened to Makusu's wife.

Meanwhile, Cecil's relationships with her fellow wizard barristers continue to evolve. She clashes with Moyo Tento, a fellow barrister who seems to have it out for her, but also finds herself becoming closer to Hotaru, a young prosecutor who has a talent for using ice magic.

As the trial approaches, Cecil must stay focused on the facts of the case and not let herself become distracted by the various roadblocks that pop up along the way. She is determined to prove Makusu's innocence and reveal the true culprits behind his wife's death, no matter what it takes.

"Hard Case" is a thrilling episode that delves deeper into the dark underbelly of the wizarding world. The stakes are higher than ever as Cecil fights to clear her client's name and uncover the truth. Fans of legal dramas, fantasy, and action-packed anime won't want to miss a minute of Wizard Barristers season 1 episode 2.

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  • First Aired
    January 19, 2014
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    24 min
  • Language