Bonanza Season 3 Episode 5
Season 3

Ep 5. The Burma Rarity

  • October 22, 1961
  • 7.0  (123)

The Burma Rarity is the fifth episode of season 3 of the classic western series, Bonanza. The episode begins with the Cartwright family trying their hand at a new venture; mining. When they discover a promising vein of gold on their land, they hire a mining expert, Dan Tolliver, to help them excavate it. While working on the mine, Tolliver comes across a rare jewel known as the Burma Rarity, which he believes is worth a fortune.

Tolliver informs the Cartwrights about the jewel and tries to persuade them to sell it immediately. However, Ben Cartwright, the family patriarch, is suspicious of Tolliver's motives and decides to seek a second opinion. He contacts an expert on precious gemstones, Madame Yvonne, who runs a store in Sacramento. Madame Yvonne confirms that the Burma Rarity is indeed a valuable and unique gemstone, but warns that it is illegal to sell it due to its origins in Burma, which is currently under British colonial rule.

While Ben debates what to do with the gemstone, Tolliver grows increasingly impatient and begins to plot against the Cartwrights. He hires a group of thugs to steal the gemstone and even attempts to kill Ben's youngest son, Little Joe. However, the Cartwrights are able to outsmart Tolliver and his gang and retrieve the Burma Rarity.

As the episode draws to a close, Ben decides to do the right thing and return the gemstone to its rightful owners in Burma. Madame Yvonne rewards the Cartwrights for showing integrity by giving them a portion of the proceeds from selling other rare gemstones. The family decides to reinvest this money in their mining operation, feeling proud of their decision to do the honorable thing.

The Burma Rarity is a classic episode of Bonanza that showcases the values of honesty, integrity, and family. Through the Cartwrights' struggles with Tolliver and his gang, the importance of treating others fairly and standing up for oneself is emphasized. Additionally, the theme of doing what is right, even when it may not be easy, is central to the episode's plot. The Burma Rarity highlights the Cartwright family's dedication to their values and their determination to succeed in their endeavors, whether it be mining for gold or navigating the challenges of life in the American West.

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  • First Aired
    October 22, 1961
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.0  (123)