Consumer 101 Season 2 Episode 2
Consumer 101
Season 2

Ep 2. Smart Summer

  • TVG
  • October 12, 2019

Consumer 101 is a show that aims to educate consumers about the products and services they buy. The second season of this show has brought some interesting topics for the viewers and episode 2 is no exception. The episode, named "Smart Summer", is all about preparing for summer and the challenges that come with it.

The episode starts with a segment on sun protection. It emphasizes the importance of wearing sunscreen and the different types available in the market. The host talks about how SPF works and what to look for when buying sunscreen. She also discusses the dangers of not protecting one's skin from the sun's harmful UV rays and how it can lead to serious skin conditions like skin cancer.

The next segment is on outdoor gear for summer activities. It covers everything from camping and hiking to water sports. The host explains what gear is needed for different activities, what materials to look for, and how to properly use them. The segment also provides recommendations for products that are not only safe and effective but also environmentally friendly.

In the third segment, the show looks at ways to save energy during the summer season. The host shares tips on how to reduce energy consumption at home and at work. She suggests adjusting the thermostat, turning off electronics when not in use, and using energy-efficient appliances. The segment also provides information on the benefits of renewable energy sources like solar power.

After that, Consumer 101 shifts its focus to food safety during summertime. The host talks about the risks of food poisoning during outdoor activities like picnics and barbecues. She teaches viewers how to properly handle and cook food to avoid contamination and foodborne illnesses. This segment also highlights the importance of food labeling and how to read and understand them.

The final segment of the show is on summertime pests and how to keep them out of one's home. The host discusses common pests, such as mosquitoes and flies, and provides tips to prevent them from entering the house. She also talks about the dangers of using certain pesticides and recommends natural alternatives that are safe for both humans and pets.

Overall, Consumer 101's season 2 episode 2 "Smart Summer" provides valuable information for viewers to make informed decisions and enjoy the summer season safely and responsibly. The show covers a range of topics that are relevant to everyday life and offers practical advice that viewers can easily apply. Whether one is planning to spend time outdoors, buying sunscreen or upgrading their home appliances for energy efficiency, this episode has something for everyone.

Watch Consumer 101 - Smart Summer (s2 e2) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download, Buy, Rent
Consumer 101, Season 2 Episode 2, is available to watch free on NBC and stream on NBC. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Consumer 101 on demand at FuboTV online.
  • First Aired
    October 12, 2019
  • Content Rating
  • Language