Watch Heard It Through The Grapevine
- 2015
- 1 Season
7.9 (101)
Heard It Through The Grapevine is a South Korean television drama series that originally aired on SBS from February 23 to June 2, 2015. The show follows the story of Yeong-Shin and Jeong-Ho, a wealthy couple who find themselves embroiled in an unexpected family scandal when their teenage son, Han-In, impregnates his girlfriend, Seo-Bom.
The show is directed by Ahn Pan-seok and written by Jung Sung-joo, and stars a talented cast including Joon-Sang Yoo as Han Jeong-ho, Ho-jeong Yu as Choi Yeong-shin, and Joon Lee as Han In-sang. The main storyline of the show revolves around the sudden pregnancy of Seo-Bom and Han-In, and the subsequent fallout as the two families struggle to deal with the unexpected news.
The show is notable for its biting social commentary on the wealthy elite in Korean society, and the often fraught relationship between parents and their children. The central conflict of the show is the clash between Jeong-Ho and Yeong-Shin's desire for their son to fully embrace the privilege and entitlement he was born into, and their growing realization that their son has his own desires and aspirations that may not align with their own.
At the heart of the show is the relationship between Han-In and Seo-Bom, two young people who are forced to navigate the intense pressure and scrutiny of their families and society at large. Despite the challenges they face, they remain dedicated to each other and their dreams of a better future.
One of the standout aspects of Heard It Through The Grapevine is its darkly comedic tone, which provides a counterbalance to the intense drama of the main storyline. The show often uses satire and irony to skewer the absurdity of the wealthy families' behavior and the societal norms they uphold.
In addition to its nuanced writing and strong performances, the show is also notable for its stunning cinematography and impeccable production design. The luxurious homes and elegant clothing of the wealthy characters are juxtaposed with the stark and often bleak reality of life for the less fortunate characters, highlighting the stark divide between Korea's haves and have-nots.
Overall, Heard It Through The Grapevine is a compelling and thought-provoking show that explores complex themes like family, class, and societal pressure. Its talented cast and creative team have crafted a show that is both entertaining and insightful, and it remains one of the standout dramas of 2015.
Heard It Through The Grapevine is a series that ran for 1 seasons (30 episodes) between February 23, 2015 and on SBS