Intermediate Bootcamp

Watch Intermediate Bootcamp

  • 2015
  • 1 Season

Intermediate Bootcamp from SweatFlix is a high-energy, challenging fitness program that is designed to push individuals beyond their limits. This show is perfect for those who are already familiar with basic fitness routines and are looking for a serious challenge. With 12 intense workout sessions, each lasting approximately 30 minutes, Intermediate Bootcamp is designed to build strength, power, endurance, and agility.

The program is led by two fitness professionals who are dedicated to helping individuals achieve their goals. These trainers bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the program, and they are committed to helping participants push past their personal boundaries, both physically and mentally.

Each workout session is carefully designed to target multiple muscle groups, helping participants build overall functional strength and endurance. The workouts incorporate a variety of equipment, including dumbbells, resistance bands, and kettlebells, as well as bodyweight exercises.

In addition to building strength, Intermediate Bootcamp is also designed to improve cardiovascular endurance. The program includes high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts, which are known to be particularly effective at improving cardiovascular fitness. During these workouts, participants will alternate between bursts of high-intensity exercise and short periods of rest, helping to maximize calorie burn and improve endurance.

Intermediate Bootcamp is also designed to improve athletic performance. The workouts are focused on building functional strength and endurance, helping participants improve their speed, agility, and power. Through a combination of plyometric exercises, strength training, and interval training, participants will gain the tools they need to excel at a wide range of sports and athletic activities.

One of the key benefits of Intermediate Bootcamp is that it is a scalable program. While the workout sessions are challenging, they are also adaptable to individual fitness levels. Participants are encouraged to work at their own pace, gradually increasing the intensity and difficulty of the workouts as they become stronger and more confident. The trainers provide modifications and alternatives for many of the exercises, making it easy for participants to find an appropriate level of challenge.

Another unique aspect of Intermediate Bootcamp is the inclusion of a warm-up and cool-down period. Many fitness programs overlook the importance of these crucial components of a workout routine, but at Intermediate Bootcamp, they are given the attention they deserve. The warm-up includes dynamic stretches and low-intensity exercises designed to help participants prepare their muscles for the challenges ahead. The cool-down period includes static stretches and gentle movements designed to help the body recover and prevent injury.

Participants in Intermediate Bootcamp will also benefit from the program's emphasis on mindfulness and mental toughness. During the workouts, the trainers will encourage participants to focus on their breathing, to tune into their bodies, and to stay present in the moment. This can be particularly helpful for individuals who struggle with anxiety, stress, or other mental health concerns. The mental toughness aspect of the program is designed to help participants push past their perceived limits, tapping into their inner strength and determination to achieve their goals.

Overall, Intermediate Bootcamp from SweatFlix is a challenging and rewarding fitness program that is perfect for individuals who are looking for a serious challenge. With a focus on functional strength and endurance, cardiovascular fitness, and athletic performance, this program is designed to help participants achieve their fitness goals and push past their personal boundaries.

Intermediate Bootcamp is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (9 episodes). The series first aired on September 1, 2015.

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Intermediate Warm-Up
28. Intermediate Warm-Up
September 1, 2015
Every good workout requires a good warm-up! Start your workout here -- get your blood flowing and your muscles nice and loose!
Intermediate Upper Abs Burnout
27. Intermediate Upper Abs Burnout
January 1, 1970
Summary is not available.
Intermediate Lower Abs Burnout
25. Intermediate Lower Abs Burnout
September 1, 2015
Today's burnout may take place on the floor but that doesn't mean it's a snooze! Focused and intense, your lower abs will be on fire!
Intermediate Inner Thigh Burnout
24. Intermediate Inner Thigh Burnout
September 1, 2015
Time to tackle a common trouble zone: the inner thigh! It's only 4 moves, 2 times through but trust us, you'll feel it!
Intermediate Chest & Shoulder Burnout
23. Intermediate Chest & Shoulder Burnout
September 1, 2015
This burnout is all about the pecs and the delts! Build strength while creating lean definition in these vital upper body muscles!
Intermediate Cool-Down Stretch
22. Intermediate Cool-Down Stretch
September 1, 2015
You just smashed your workout, now it's time to treat yourself to a calming, centering, cool-down. Breathe deeply and stretch it all out!
Intermediate Bootcamp | Day 17
14. Intermediate Bootcamp | Day 17
January 1, 1970
Summary is not available.
Intermediate Bootcamp | Day 4
5. Intermediate Bootcamp | Day 4
September 1, 2015
Summary is not available.
Intermediate Bootcamp Fit Test
1. Intermediate Bootcamp Fit Test
September 1, 2015
This is where you start, and this is where you finish! Perform this fit test before you get started with the bootcamp and record your scores. Come back to this test at the end, record your scores and be amazed by how far you have come! Grab a pen and some paper let's get this journey started!
Where to Watch Intermediate Bootcamp
Intermediate Bootcamp is available for streaming on the SweatFlix website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Intermediate Bootcamp on demand at Amazon Prime.
  • Premiere Date
    September 1, 2015