Next Caller

Watch Next Caller

  • 2024
  • 1 Season
  • 5.8  (50)

Next Caller is a comedy television series that premiered on NBC in 2012. The show stars comedian Dane Cook as a Machiavellian shock jock named Cam Dunne, who gets paired with a feminist caller who becomes his co-host. The show takes place at the offices of WVL Radio in New York City, where Cam works alongside his ex-girlfriend Stella (Collette Wolfe), who is also a radio host.

The premise of the show is that Cam leads a life of controversy and shock, which typically results in a lot of listeners and ratings for the radio station. However, things take a turn when a caller named Stella is brought on air to challenge Cam's views on air. After an on-air argument, the two are paired together as co-hosts for the show, which leads to a lot of tension and conflict between the two.

Cameron's character is a typical bad boy who thrives on controversy and shock, but unlike his usual shock tactics, the partnership with Stella has him questioning his view of women, and he begins to see things from a feminist standpoint. Stella, played by Collette Wolfe, is portrayed as a smart and witty character with a strong personality that contrasts with Cam's personality. Together, they form an odd but entertaining duo that provides plenty of laughs throughout the show.

The show was created by Stephen Falk, who previously worked on shows like Weeds and Orange is the New Black. Next Caller was originally planned for a mid-season debut in 2013 on NBC, but the network canceled the series after only four episodes were produced.

NBC must have pulled the plug due to the controversial themes of the show, as the network faced intense backlash from feminist groups for the character's sexist and inappropriate behavior towards women. The show faced criticism for its portrayal of women and the mistreatment of them, with the network ceding to pressure by canceling the show.

Despite these setbacks, Next Caller proved to be an entertaining series, with an interesting premise, engaging characters, and clever writing. The show was a blend of sitcoms and comedy-drama, which ensured that the tone of the show was consistent throughout.

Dane Cook's portrayal of Cam Dunne was outstanding, with his perfect blend of humor and charm. The actor played the arrogant character with finesse that made the audience hooked to the show. Collette Wolfe's performance as Stella, on the other hand, was equally impressive, as she portrayed the character's strength and intelligence with sincerity, making the character relatable to the viewers.

Apart from the central characters, the show had a strong supporting cast that helped in advancing the plotline. The supporting cast included Jeffrey Tambor as the radio station manager, Alexei, who continuously tries to reinvent the radio station's programming to match that of the rival station.

Other recurring cast members include Joy Osmanski as Winnie, a news reporter who has a crush on Cam and Lucy Punch as Ian, Stella's best friend, whose anecdotes about her relationship struggles add to the show's comic relief.

The show dealt with themes of gender and sexuality with humor and provided a platform for discussing issues faced by women. Next Caller is a perfect example of how comedy can be used as a tool to highlight social issues that are often ignored in mainstream media. It focused on topics such as the wage gap, rape culture, sexism in the workplace, and slut-shaming.

However, despite its potential, the show was canceled after only four episodes. Following the cancellation, the pilot episode was leaked, and the network received more negative feedback, which ultimately led to the show's early termination.

In conclusion, Next Caller was an enjoyable series that dealt with contemporary social issues with a humorous approach, providing a refreshing take on comedy television. The show effectively depicted the struggle of women in male-dominated fields while maintaining its entertainment value, making it a well-rounded and engaging show. While the show was not given enough of a chance to develop its story, it is still worth watching for anyone interested in socially relevant comedy.

Next Caller
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1. Pilot
Air date to be determined.
  • Premiere Date
    September 20, 2024
  • IMDB Rating
    5.8  (50)
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