Karneval Season 1 Episode 5
Season 1

Ep 5. Clown Prescription

  • TV-14
  • May 6, 2013
  • 23 min
  • 8.2  (7)

In Karneval season 1 episode 5, titled "Clown Prescription," Nai, Gareki, and Yogi arrive at a wealthy estate, where they meet the eccentric Dr. Akari and his staff of masked clowns. The doctor claims to have a cure for all manner of illnesses, and Nai is hopeful that the doctor can help him find out more about his missing friend, Karoku.

As they explore the estate, Nai and company soon realize that something is not quite right. The clowns seem to be hiding something, and strange disappearances have been occurring on the grounds. Meanwhile, a dangerous criminal known as Hirato is also on the hunt for Nai, and he will stop at nothing to track the group down.

As the episode progresses, the tension mounts, with Nai and Gareki finding themselves in increasingly perilous situations. The whimsical, circus-like atmosphere of the estate belies the dark secrets that lurk within, and the gang soon realizes that they are in over their heads.

Despite the danger, Nai's determination to find Karoku never wavers, and he is determined to uncover the truth, no matter the cost. With Hirato hot on their trail and the clowns closing in, can Nai and his friends stay alive long enough to uncover the mysteries of the estate and find the missing Karoku?

Filled with action, suspense, and unexpected twists and turns, "Clown Prescription" is a gripping installment in the Karneval series that is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. With stunning visuals, an intriguing storyline, and a host of compelling characters, Karneval is a must-watch anime for fans of the genre.

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Karneval, Season 1 Episode 5, is available to watch free on Crunchyroll and stream on . You can also stream, download, buy, rent Karneval on demand at Amazon Prime online.
  • First Aired
    May 6, 2013
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    23 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.2  (7)