Mad About You Season 2 Episode 24
Mad About You
Season 2

Ep 24. With This Ring... (1)

  • TV-PG
  • May 19, 1994
  • 22 min
  • 7.3  (121)

In the season 2 finale of the beloved 90s sitcom Mad About You, entitled "With This Ring... (1)," we find our favorite couple, Jamie and Paul Buchman, facing an exciting but challenging time in their lives. As the title suggests, this episode revolves around the concept of marital commitment and the importance of wedding rings.

The episode begins with Paul struggling to find a suitable anniversary gift for Jamie. He enlists the help of his friend and neighbor, Ira, who suggests that he surprise Jamie by replacing her old wedding ring, which she lost years ago. Paul loves the idea and sets out on a mission to find the perfect ring that reflects their relationship.

Meanwhile, Jamie is also consumed by the anniversary spirit and wants to surprise Paul with something special, but she hasn't quite figured out what that should be. Her sister, Lisa, suggests that she should renew their vows and have a small wedding ceremony to reaffirm their love. Intrigued by the idea, Jamie starts planning the event, recruiting Lisa and her newfound friend Fran to help with the preparations.

Back at the Buchman's apartment, Paul enlists the assistance of the eccentric dog walker and wannabe lounge singer, Burt, to help him in his search for the perfect ring. Burt takes Paul to various unusual locations, including a pawn shop and a questionable jeweler, each with their own quirks and peculiarities. As Paul becomes more desperate, he starts to question whether this quest is truly worth the effort.

Meanwhile, the excitement of the upcoming vow renewal ceremony continues to build. Jamie becomes consumed by the details, from the flowers and the dress to the seating arrangements, leading to inevitable stress and anxiety. Lisa tries to provide support and keeps reminding Jamie of the beautiful meaning behind the ceremony, but the pressure begins to weigh on her.

As Paul's search for the ring intensifies, he stumbles upon an antique shop where he finally finds the perfect ring. Overwhelmed with joy, he purchases it and rushes home to share the news with Ira. However, their excitement is short-lived when they learn that Jamie discovered her lost ring while rearranging the closet. Paul's heart sinks as he realizes that his surprise has been spoiled.

The day of the vow renewal ceremony arrives, and the pent-up stress of the planning begins to take its toll on Jamie. With the ring debacle and mounting frustrations, she starts to question whether they should go through with the ceremony at all. It is during this moment of doubt that Lisa, always the voice of reason, helps Jamie find clarity and reminds her of the love they share.

In the final moments of the episode, Paul surprises Jamie by presenting her with the antique ring he had purchased, despite it being unnecessary now that her original ring has been found. The gesture touches Jamie deeply, reinforcing the strength of their bond and their unwavering commitment to each other. As they prepare to renew their vows in front of their loved ones, the couple realizes that what truly matters is the love and dedication they have for one another.

"With This Ring... (1)" exemplifies the heartwarming and relatable storytelling that made Mad About You a hit series. It explores the challenges and joys of marriage, while reminding viewers of the significance of the vows we make and the commitment they represent. With its blend of humor, emotion, and touching moments, this episode serves as a perfect season finale, leaving audiences eagerly awaiting the next chapter in Jamie and Paul's journey together.

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  • First Aired
    May 19, 1994
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    22 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.3  (121)