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ADV or A.D.Vision, formally an American multimedia international entertainment company based in Houston, Texas before going under and its distress sale to four Houston companies in 2009.

ADV was active in broadcast television, merchandising, original productions, theatrical film, distribution, home video production and distribution, magazine and comic book publishing. ADV was the largest Anime (Japanese animated productions including computer animation and hand-drawn) distributor in the United Kingdom and in North America prior to its demise.

ADV was founded by Matt Greenfield and John Ledford in 1992. From there the company grew tremendously in diversity and size as well having many sub-companies handling an array of assets. Of these assets, possibly their most popular was Gainax's Neon Genesis Evangelion and the post-apocalyptic series Anime.

In 1990 John Ledford, started his Japanese video console import and video game business and received his introduction to Anime from a friend who also introduced him to the fantasy/drama My Neighbor Totoro.

1992 saw the launched of ADV by Matt Greenfield and John Ledford who also begin the licensing of Anime.

In business, ADV has partnered with Sojitz Corporation through The KlockWorx Group, Development Bank of Japan and Japan Content Investment. Sojitz Corporation withdrew their support of ADV 2008. This led to the FUNimation Entertainment obtaining 30 Anime titles.

ADV announced selling off of its assets on September 1, 2009 which includes the Anime Network, its entire distribution center and its intellectual properties to SXION 23 LLC, Valkyrie Media Partners LLC, AEsir Holdings LLC and Seraphim Studios.