Watch TV Shows on African Odyssey

The African Odyssey channel has dedicated itself to bringing exposure to the mysterious continent all around the world. The viewer will be able to get a look into the culture of the residents in the villages. They will learn how the traditional meals are prepared and what they meal is. The viewer will be able to learn about the traditional dress, what the colors mean, and who is permitted to wear the colors. There will be a walk through the forest, learning about its function with the residents, the current state the vegetation is in, and the animals that call it home. The animals of this country will be covered. The viewer will be able to see giraffes, elephants, wild dogs, lions, gazelles and zebras in their natural state. The host will educate the viewer about the dietary habits of the animal and their survival methods.

The African Odyssey channel is available online. This is a family oriented channel, safe for viewers of all ages. Children and parents will be able to enjoy this show together. This series is a 13 part series, that will air in the fall every year. This series dedicates itself to providing educational documentaries of Africa in its natural state.