Watch TV Shows on AttentionSpan.TV

Attention Span TV uses snippets of news to give you a look at the things that are going on the world today without getting too involved in a long story. These stories are presented in short format so that you can learn what you need to know and move on. Each clip or video is very short, and they are all categorized by the topic that they cover.

You can search for the topics that work best for you, and you will be able to brush up on your news. You will learn all about current events, and you will be able to get educated on the news without ever picking up a newspaper. You will be able to use your streaming device or your computer to get the news that you are looking for. Also, you will be able to watch short interviews with people who report the news. You can get these news videos in short bits, and you will not have to worry about the news taking too long to watch because they get in and out of the way quickly.