Watch TV Shows on Bizarre AC Film Festival

The Bizarre AC Film Festival is a unique blend of a marketing company, film festival, and media channel that distributes digital content on the internet, cable television, and at live events such as the "Wild Oats Festival" that is held on a yearly basis. The festival started when a small group of American friends went on vacation to Rio de Janeiro during Carnaval. The trio realized that they didn't want to return to their lives after experiencing the energy of live performances that occurred in the many concerts in Brazil during that time. Thus, in 2009, they formed the Bizarre AC Film Festival that debuted on the beach in Rio and featured musicians of varying genres as well as independent, local, and student films (both short and full-length).

After the first year's success, Bizarre continued to provide more content through different means in order to keep up with the demand. Starting their own online digital media channel, the company began to provide the content from the festival for a small fee that allows users to stream the music and videos live from their computer to emulate the experience of being there in person. The first festival only drew 350 people, but over the last half decade that number has grown to over 3,000 on an annual basis. The company continues to license others' content as well as produce their own, and plans to collaborate with Netflix in the future to bring the live concerts to the platform.