Watch TV Shows on Howcast

Howcast is a digital media channel that distributes content in a variety of genres: comedy, music, drama, television, films, and more. The nature of the programming on the channel is educational. Howcast was formed in 2012 when the entrepreneur and biohacker Tim Ferriss decided that there should be a way for average people to learn incredible techniques and skills from the world's best experts. Determined to arrive at a deal with Disney, he sought to gain crowd support and secure the channel's spot in cable television packages.

After successful negotiations, the channel went live in 2013. Now, it operates with over 40 employees and 30 programs that deliver high quality educational messages. The content is viewable online directly via the website, on your smartphone, tablet, or computer, or even through cable television packages in the United States. While the company is based in San Francisco, California, it boasts a worldwide audience of more than 5,000,000 people.

Examples of the channel's shows include: "Performance X" and "Human Machine."

Performance X features a world class athlete in each episode who shows the audience their training regimen. Tips and tricks include diet and exercise, mental training, coaching, and more. The show is 30 minutes long and is narrated by Tim Ferriss himself.

Human Machine is a scientific show that offers a glimpse into the world of anatomy and human systems. The show makes complicated topics more simple to understand by using diagrams, interviews, and live examples over the course of an hour.