Watch TV Shows on Mrs. P Enterprises

Mrs. P Enterprises is a television channel based in Los Angeles, California. It focuses on providing digital media online. The content can be accessed for free on a number of streaming sites. The nature of the programming is news broadcasting. The shows revolve around such subjects as current events, sports, business, and weather. The founder, Enrique Alamos, is originally from Mexico. From childhood, it was his dream to start his own channel. He succeeded in founding the company in 2001 from his car. He would drive around and get written commitments from producers to sponsor the show and attract actors and broadcast personalities. In 2005 he sold the company to Warner Brothers, which now owns all of the licensing rights to the current and previous content.

Current shows on the network include Keeping Up With the Jones, Finance World, and Weather Now. Finance World features a variety of anchors, reporters, stock exchange experts, investment bankers, and analysts. The format of the show is to begin with general commentary on the state of finance and then in-depth interviews with expert panels. The show finishes by polling viewers about their predictions for future events such as IPO valuations. The show has garnered numerous positive reviews by viewers and critics.

Weather Now is focused on providing updated weather information to protect people in California from sudden natural disasters. In addition, it provides weather forecasts to allow people to plan their weekly commute and avoid being late to work, meetings, and personal obligations they may have.