Watch TV Shows on NASA

When you tune in to the NASA channel, you will be able to see what the newest NASA missions are doing. They have satellites orbiting the Earth, probes out in space and astronauts on the International Space Station. They are working on projects all the time that are allowing us to explore space, and you will get to see video of what they are doing in Houston or the launches from Florida.

When you are watching the channel, you are going to see what NASA is doing. Also, you will get to see how they have to manage each mission. There are amazing scientists who are in the control center all day long working on these missions, but there are many other people working in labs trying to figure out what the next experiment or mission will be about.

When you want to see what is happening in space, you can watch the NASA channel for more guidance. Also, you will be able to watch videos that explain what the mission of NASA is. You will be able to get inspired to work in the space program, or you will get to see what it is like to work for NASA.