Watch TV Shows on Panna

Panna is a digital media channel based in the United States. It focuses on providing unique material around the issues of travel in the form of television shows and films. The content is available online in the form of streaming or download for a small fee. Viewers can access it with their mobile devices or laptops. The company was founded in 2001 by Richard Green when he was on a hiking trip. He was realizing that every day he went further into the woods that he was losing touch with modern society. He wanted to share his findings with people but realized that most people can't hike in the woods like he was able to do. He decided to begin filming his adventures. Soon, the popularity of his footage allowed him to raise funds from investors.

Since then, the company has expanded to include over 12 shows in multiple languages and countries. Current titles include Plant Life, Hikers, and Rock Hard. Plant Life is a documentary series that explores different species of plants around the world. The show is educational in nature and features a host named Hui Cho. He often eats the plants that he finds to see how it affects his body. The show started in 2005. Rock Hard is a show featuring the geologist named Jeff Handley. He hikes and travels to remote places in the world in order to uncover ancient mysteries and secrets surrounding the rock formations of tribes from the past. The show began in 2011.