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The Onion TV Network - America's finest news source is a satirical news channel based on the popular newspaper The Onion. Distributed in cities around the United States this newspaper became the groundwork for the hit Onion TV News Network. The Onion TV is world famous for its no holds barred satirical news reporting. Without hesitation they make fun of the latest news stories with heavy doses of irony and satire.

The Onion TV Network is popular with most people, it has a constant comedic edge that makes fun of all people, races, colors and parties with no real malice. Their TV show and newspaper have both annoyed some people, who feel targeted by their jokes. But the majority of it's readership takes it's humorous news stories for what they are.

Despite being a satirical news station, the Onion TV Network is well known for it's surprisingly high quality production. Exceptional writing, creative and editorial keep the Onion TV network a fresh and funny series loved by viewers around the globe.

Of course, a satire site isn't immune to being misunderstood. News stories from the Onion have mistakenly become viral. People who thought hat these stories were real have helped spread the Onion TV's segments across Facebook and Twitter like an out of control fire. It's not just social media that has been fooled, The New York Times and ESPN have both republished Onion articles as real news stories. Topping it off, the US Capitol Police even investigated a report of hostage taking inside the US Capitol building.

The Onion TV News Network remains one of the best satirical news sources around. Thanks to its lighthearted not-so-serious take on the world around it. Hopefully the Onion TV News Network is set to entertain us for years to come.